Paradise Lost

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Mission Info

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Description A new age has dawned on the Federation...a federation which no longer represents the ideals or goals of it former existence. The 'New Order' has firmly taken control of the Council and Presidency, and the dissolution of both Starfleet and the Marines has placing the tasks that they once performed under a new organization: The Federation Protectorate. The New Federation is a much smaller version of it's former self as well, with only a handful of worlds deemed 'worthy' of remaining within it's umbrella. This leaves a lot of people on their own to figure out exactly how to proceed. Additionally, a majority of now ex-Starfleet and Marine personnel find themselves on their own, waiting for the Protectorate to come and relieve them of their charges and return to...well, nobody knows exactly what to expect. A good number of these personnel have decided to stick things out for now ships, on stations, and other locations around the known Galaxy. THat's the problem with the move made by the Council...they lack the resources to take their property back by force. So a lot of these personnel are finding themselves joining with the now ex-members who's region they are located in. Many small worlds inherited an instant military force. As for the Frontier...well, like always....... Anything goes.
Start Date Wed Dec 31st, 1969 @ 2:00pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Shadows And Lights
by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Lieutenant Commander Rosaleen O'Donnell & Commander Andrew Matheson
Direct continuance of Three Views To A Secret SB80, O'Shea's Quarters
Three Views of a Secret
by Lieutenant Commander Rosaleen O'Donnell & Commander Andrew Matheson
Andrews Quarters
Opening Moves
by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Captain Jey Cleh & Commander Andrew Matheson & Lieutenant JG Rayleigh Carver
by Commander Eliana Masters & Lieutenant JG Rayleigh Carver
After "Color Blind", prior to departing for Feneras Masters' Office
Color Blind
by Commander Eliana Masters & Commander Andrew Matheson
Prior to departing for Reneras Flight Operations
Walking on Glass
by Lieutenant Commander Rosaleen O'Donnell & Senior Councilman Deklan O'Donnell & Captain Jey Cleh & Commander Eliana Masters & Commander Andrew Matheson & Lieutenant Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro & Lieutenant Commander Maurelle Valentine & Lieutenant Commander Ethan Mackenzie & Master Chief Petty Officer Allison Wilshire
Earth: Federation Council Chambers
Good Morning
by Commander Eliana Masters
After "A Prophecy Fulfilled" Starbase 80 - Eliana's Quarters
A disturbing first impression
by Petty Officer 1st Class Arianna D'Tal & Lieutenant Commander Tettly Biggs
After the return from Taranok IV Starbase 80 - Holodeck 4
Old Connections
by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Lieutenant Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro
After Returning From Ba'Ku Taranok IV---Forward Base of Operations
That's A LOT of Purple
by Commander Andrew Matheson
Starbase 80, Deck 65 Grand Ballroom
A Prophecy Fulfilled
by Lieutenant Commander Rosaleen O'Donnell & Commander Eliana Masters & Commander Andrew Matheson
The Briar Patch: Ba'Ku
Beginning of Tomorrow
by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Captain Jey Cleh & Commander Eliana Masters & Commander Andrew Matheson & Lieutenant Commander Ewo'tOst Menkova & Lieutenant Carl Baumann & Petty Officer 1st Class Arianna D'Tal
Starbase 80: Conference Room P71E-Planetary Operations
Backalley Politics
by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Senior Councilman Deklan O'Donnell & Lieutenant Commander Maurelle Valentine
Circle and Scan
by Lieutenant Commander Ewo'tOst Menkova
Catch Up Suit Up
by Lieutenant JG Rayleigh Carver & Lieutenant Commander Ewo'tOst Menkova
Concurrent with events on Taranok IV Shuttlebay 41, Training Facility
Pushing Ahead
by Lieutenant Commander Ethan Mackenzie & Lieutenant Hailey Carter
Starbase 80
Flight Home
by Lieutenant Commander Ethan Mackenzie
Stormy Waters
by Lieutenant Commander Rosaleen O'Donnell & Commander Eliana Masters & Lieutenant Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro
The Briar Patch
Pulling it all Together
by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Lieutenant Commander Ethan Mackenzie
CO's Office: USS Bettina
TheFlies through water
by Lieutenant Carl Baumann
4300 feet
A Not So Straightforward Request
by Lieutenant Commander Ewo'tOst Menkova & Lieutenant Commander Holcrut Brezibluxz
Parallel with 'Ultimatum' Main Operations, Starbase 80
A New Journey (18+)
by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Lieutenant Commander Maurelle Valentine
Taranok IV---Forward Base of Operations
Ultimatum: Part 2
by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Commander Andrew Matheson
CO's Office: USS Bettina
Ultimatum: Part 1
by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea
CO's Office: USS Bettina
Continuations, Contingencies and other Matters
by Lieutenant Commander Ewo'tOst Menkova
Planetary Operations, SB80

Mission Summary