A disturbing first impression
Posted on Sun Jun 28th, 2015 @ 9:07pm by Petty Officer 1st Class Arianna D'Tal & Lieutenant Commander Tettly Biggs
Paradise Lost
Location: Starbase 80 - Holodeck 4
Timeline: After the return from Taranok IV
*Holodeck 4*
Arianna had been in the holodeck for the last 15 or so minutes running tactical ground simulations.
The current one was one of her own creations, and involved running through the hallways and doors of a maze while being chased by enemies. Her only weapon was a 21st century .40 caliber pistol, which she was now reloading as she stood with her back flat against the wall at one of the many corners.
Her eyes were pitch black, and her temper was in full swing as she shoved the new clip into the gun, then pulled the slide to load the chamber. She heard a door open, and turned the corner to find an unfamiliar man walking in through the holodeck door.
Arianna silently hesitated for several seconds with her gun trained on the stranger, before her attention was taken away by the opening of another door to her right. She turned, and fired several bullets into the holographic woman that emerged from that door, before lowering her gun.
"Computer freeze program." She said with a sigh, turning to face the newcomer. She seemed to study him for a moment, before speaking again. "The gun, and bullets are holographic, and the safeties are on... just in case you're wondering." She finally said.
Tettly's jaw was slack as he looked at the woman in front of him. She was nothing short of terrifying, mostly the look on her face, "Hell, you look like you seen the bad side of a crap day, lady. I didn't realize the holodeck was taken. I can come back later," He said, turning to leave.
Arianna sighed again as her eyes began to return to their normal crystal blue color, and her temper gave way to her usual Vulcan logic. "I apologize if I have frightened you." She said simply in the hopes he would at least allow her to explain. "It's not so much a bad day as it is a medical condition that I'm attempting to gain control over."
"Awe, man... it ain't contagious is it? I just got here, don't need to catch Bolian flu or something..." Tettly asked, taking a step back. He'd had Bolian flu before. He did not want it again.
"No it is not contagious." Arianna replied, shoving the gun into the holster on her belt. "If I were contagious, I'd be quarantined in sickbay." She hesitated before stepping forward to offer a hand shake, something that was very unlike Vulcans. "My name is Arianna D'Tal."
"Tettly Biggs, Chief of Security. Sorry for bargin' in. I didn't think anyone was using this one. Indicator on the outside must be on the fritz," He explained, jerking a thumb back toward the door.
"I will let Engineering know it needs to be repaired." She replied simply. "I apologize for nearly shooting you. My condition has to do with my temper... Something I try to hide from most people."
"Aw hell, I know all about temper," Tettly said with a laugh. "I've gotten into more bar fights than I care to mention. How I wound up in charge of security, I'll never know." He said with a boyish grin. "I'm not sure shootin' up the place is the best way to deal with it... ever tried meditation?"
With a raised eyebrow, Arianna deliberately brushed her hair back behind her ear to reveal the pointed ears of a Vulcan. "Meditation is not an effective treatment." She told him simply. "I used to be the victim of violent black outs that ended with someone being hurt. That was remedied through a mind meld. This training appears to be the best method." She pointedly neglected to tell him that this was also to get some of the anger, and pain from the trauma at Taranok IV out of her system.
"Oh," Tettly said, nodding, "Makes sense, I guess. Huh... Well... you want some company?" He asked, giving her a slight shrug. "I too enjoy shooting various things with things that go boom," He joked, a roguish grin on his face.
"As long as you can handle a somewhat... unstable Vulcan, I don't mind the company." She said simply. "Computer, another firearm, and ammunition please."
A moment later, another .40 caliber pistol appeared on the floor, along with several full ammo clips.
"Enemies will be coming through doors, and around corners." Arianna explained. She wanted him to be aware of how this simulation worked. "The weapons they carry will be random. Some will have armor, and some will not."
Tettly grinned as he picked up the pistol and jammed the extra clips in his pocket, "Sounds like a party to me... lead the way."
PO1 Arianna D'Tal
Executive Officer's Yeoman
Academy Cadet
Starbase 80
Lt. Cmd. Tettly Biggs
Chief Security Officer
Starbase 80