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Wed Jul 1st, 2015 @ 5:24pm

Lieutenant Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro

Name Adria "Tempest" Desoro

Position Commander Air Group (CAG)

Rank Lieutenant Commander


Permission Level Department Head

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 135 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Dark Blue
Physical Description Adria keeps herself physically fit and maintains a well groomed appearance. Standing 5’6" with Blue eyes and brown hair she has a striking appearance. There are some visible scars from previous injuries.


Spouse Marine Captain Cy Desoro - MIA
Children Daughter: Talia Desoro
Father Commander Brenden Zalar
Mother Captain Elise Zalar
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Jessica Zalar, Maia Zalar

Personality & Traits

General Overview Underneath her on well developed marine façade lies the heart of an explorer and the soul of a poet. Duty always comes first. She doesn’t accept failure as an option. Taking her own mistakes hard but learning from them at the same time. On duty she maintains a strict unemotional front. Even with everything she's been through Adria views herself as a fighter pilot first.
Hobbies & Interests Astronomy, Zero-G Sports, History of Aviation and Space flight, Martial Arts, Fencing

Languages: Federation Standard, Betazoid, Romulan, Bajoran

Personal History Born to Elise and Brenden Zalar in San Diego, CA, Adria’s childhood was spent under the watchful eyes of Starfleet. A legacy that began long before she was born and destined to follow a path that came almost naturally, Adira was kept in the dark about its true meaning until she was old enough to understand. As Commanding Officer of the Typhon, Adria’s mother played an important role in the line of female Starfleet officers that made up an important part of the family tree. Through them Adria Desoro would learn to be independent and confident yet always aware of her own physical and mental limitations.

Elise encouraged her children to set their sights on the stars. Dream big and never let go even when things seemed to lose hope. Nothing worth attaining came easily. She gave them every opportunity for the best education and extracurricular activities that was possible.

Shortly after she turned 17, Adria left the boarding school she’d been attending and entered Starfleet Academy. Meeting new friends from other worlds and finding new interests to pursue out of class. Adria’s Cadet cruise aboard the Adelphi was a good transition to active duty during very uncertain times.

From there she moved onto a posting as a Marine Fighter pilot aboard the USS Sabre. It was during that tour of duty Adria first met Cy. He managed to bring some good into her life when she needed it.

She was forced to give up being a combat pilot after being injured in the line of duty. Initially Adria spent 6 months aboard the medical ship USS Oracle. When she had recovered enough she returned to Earth to pursue Command Training with a focus in Strategic Operations.

It wasn’t until Adria decided to seriously pursue the path to command that she learned there was more than meets the eye. Learning more about herself than she imagined. At the same time finding there was a fine line between becoming too attached or caring too little.

After completing her training Adria was reassigned to the USS Titan as a Strategic Operations Officer. Over the next two years her relationship with Cy grew stronger. The two were married a short time later. In 2380 she transferred to the USS Manta. Life changed drastically when her husband failed to return from a mission.

Hoping for a fresh start, Adira accepted as assignment to the USS Nimitz. That went well for a time until she was offered the opportunity of a live time. Adria received news that she would be able to do something she had once thought impossible return to active duty as a fighter pilot. Her commission as a 1st Lieutenant was transferred over to Starfleet as a Lieutenant Junior Grade. Accepting a position as Squadron Leader for one of the squadrons aboard the USS Antares.

It didn't take Adria long to prove herself. She found herself promoted to Wing Executive Officer. When the opportunity to transfer to the USS Discovery presented itself, Adria accepted.
She had only been stationed on the ship for a few months before accepting a promotion to the position of Marine CAG, at the rank of 1st Lieutenant.

When the crew transferred to the USS Merlin, Adria remained Marine CAG until 2390 when her commission was once again transferred over to Starfleet. She was promoted to Lieutenant and served as CAG for the next year. In 2391 she was promoted to Lieutenant Commander along with her transfer to Starbase New Frontier as CAG for the 220th Tactical Air Group. The wing goes by the nickname Dark Matter.
Service Record 2369: Entered Starfleet Academy
2372: Spent final year on a Cadet Cruise aboard USS Adelphi
2373: Graduated from Starfleet Academy Marine Division and given the rank of 2nd Lieutenant
2373-2376: USS Sabre, Assigned Rapid Response Security Team
2376-2377: Medical Leave, USS Oracle
2377-2378: Command School
2378-2380: USS Titan, Strategic Operations Officer
2380-2382: USS Manta, Strategic Operations Officer
2382-2383: USS Nimitz, Reassigned as Strategic Operations Officer
2383-2384: Accepted reassignment to USS Antares, Squadron Leader
2385-2386: USS Antares, Promoted to Wing Executive Officer
2386-2386: USS Discovery, Wing Executive Officer
2386-2387: USS Discovery, Marine CAG
2387-2390: USS Merlin, Marine CAG
2390-2391: USS Merlin, Transferred to CAG. Promoted to Lieutenant
2391: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
2391-Current: Starbase New Frontier, 220th Tactical Air Group CAG