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Returning Flight Inbound

Posted on Sun Oct 26th, 2014 @ 9:23pm by Lieutenant Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro

Mission: Bloodpath
Location: Phoenix 001 Cockpit

[Phoenix 001 Cockpit]

Maguire and her pilots had been busy since this whole thing started. With the recovery of the missing personnel it was time to return to an operational area where they could land and refuel.

"Phoenix Lead to Forward Operating Base Flight Ops. We're inbound with Tin Squadron," Caitlin notified their forward element to prepare for incoming fighters and transports. "ETA to arrival five minutes." Given the current situation the current option was quicker and more suitable than returning all the way to Starbase 80.

Experience had taught her they were in for some very busy days and nights. Being a combat pilot required a lot of fortitude. At the moment she knew they'd been subjected to some nasty conditions so far yet very little solid intelligence on the situation on Taranok.

Caitlin's main concern at the moment was to ensure her pilots had food, rest and a chance to decompress if only a little bit before they had to take off again. They needed more information on the situation in the entire region because Maguire had no idea how far this extended or if it was just an isolated incident.

Like all of the other pilots she was relieved to have their personnel back but Caitlin knew this wasn't over yet. For now the only thing they could do is take things one step at a time.

Lt Caitlin Maguire
220th Pilot
Starbase 80
[NPC Desoro]


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