Checking Inventory
Posted on Wed Oct 1st, 2014 @ 12:59am by Captain Jey Cleh
Let the Games Begin
Location: Starbase 80
Joe had been taking inventory on the items in the cargo hold for the last hour. Most of this stuff had either been replicated, or dropped off here for the purpose of helping to create the dam on the surface.
His tricorder beeped at him as he looked over one of the crates. "Odd..." He said as he opened the crate. He nearly jumped out of his skin as he saw.... a tribble!
"How the hell did that get here!?" He asked, picking up the tribble, which purred in his hands. He tapped his COMM badge. "Dellin to Cleh, i think we have a serious problem."
=A= "What is it?" =A= came Lizzy's disembodied voice.
"I'm going over the inventory of items to be used for the dam building project, and I uhh... came across a tribble."
=A= "Did I hear you right? Did you say you found a tribble?" =A=
"You heard right, Captain." Joe said. "It's just one, but it is a tribble."
=A= "Vaporize it!" =A= Lizzy ordered.
"Ma'am?" Joe questioned.
=A= "Vaporize the tribble now! That's an order!" =A=
"Yes, Ma'am." Joe said, and while Lizzy was still on the COMM, Joe set the tribble down on the deck, pulled his phaser, and vaporized the poor tribble. "The tribble has been vaporized."
=A= "Good. Now get back to work. Cleh out." =A=
Without another word, Joe went back to what he was doing. Later, he would file a complaint about being ordered to kill such a defenseless creature.
Captain Jeh Cleh
Executive Officer
Medical Systems Specialist
Starbase 80
Ensign Joeseph Dellin
Inventory Control
Starbase 80