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Alert 5 Launch

Posted on Mon Sep 22nd, 2014 @ 7:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro

Mission: Bloodpath
Location: Flight Deck, Starbase 80

= ^= Launch Alert Fives =^=

The familiar call sent Scorpius, Aries and Cygnus squadron’s scrambling. By now they were all strapped in for launch. Daire Zahn commended the Scimitars assigned to Scorpius while Aries Squadron was commanded by Chaz Lachley and Cygnus by Savel.

Daire Zahn checked in with his birds, “All flights report in. “ One by one his pilots reported they were ready for action. The other two squadrons followed with a similar call.

Once that was settled Lieutenant Zahn’s Scimitars were first off the deck. He’d been monitoring the Maguire’s flight frequency. The whole situation didn’t sit well with me. “Form up on me once you’re clear of Starbase 80.”

=^= Aries Lead copies =^= Chaz Lachley’s voice sounded over the flight frequency.

=^= Cygnus Lead copies =^= the report from Savel followed.

“We’re vectoring into the last known location of our team. The area has been confirmed to have active hostiles. Be prepared for anything.” Daire was not a fan of being behind the curve on anything. It was clear the situation with their missing shuttle had gone from bad to worse.

The next voice to break in over their comm systems was Desoro’s. =^=Scorpius One you have over all command of this group. Contact with Group 1 is intermittent at best. Report back as soon as you have eyes on, if you can. You’re cleared in weapons hot.=^=

Zahn listened to Adria’s orders. While he didn’t expect anything different it was a relieve to know they were given the go ahead for weapons hot. That indicated there was some urgency to the situation as did the hurried sound of his CAG’s voice. He knew that indicated she was headed for some emergency briefing or other. “Scorpius Lead copies.”

Quickly addressing the rest of the group, “You heard the CAG we’re cleared in weapons hot. We’re running on sketchy Intel, but we know something happened with our Recon flight so watch your six.” Daire figured most of his speech was unnecessary there were not a bunch of rookie pilots. However it never hurt to remind them what their main objective happened to be, “Our mission objective is to get visual confirmation of the exact situation and assist our people as needed.”

LTCMDR Adira "Tempest" Desoro
220th CAG
Starbase 80

LT Daire Zahn
Pilot, Scorpius Lead, 220th
Starbase 80


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