Recon Mission - LZ Alpha
Posted on Sat Sep 27th, 2014 @ 1:43pm by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Lieutenant Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro & Captain Pete Samson & Petty Officer 1st Class Arianna D'Tal
Location: Taranok IV
Timeline: Right after Initial Report
[Overhead - Prepheradus]
While the Starfighters dealt with the missiles and their launcher, Buren took his Runabout and the Recon Polaris out away from the capital city, staying low and keeping a watch out for any further threats.
"Ok, if you're sure you want to go down there Captain, we'll put you right down on your selected LZ" Buren told Samson "No guarantees about getting you off again though..." he finished wryly. "You want to drop both teams?"
Pete had to make decision, he knew he would go to the surface but was it with both teams or just one. Decision, decisions. "I will take my team only, I want the other team on standby. I must secure the Consulate."
"Ok, we'll hold the second team" Buren agreed
After about ten minutes the EMP distortion had dropped enough for Buren to contact the rest of the Tin Six Flight convoy.
As soon as he opened a channel the sounds of the crews carrying out combat maneuvers filled the cabin.
=^= Iron-One to Tin Six Flight, Somebody give me a SITREP! =^=
=^= Tin Six-One We had a squadron of local fighters come into orbit and order us to leave. Then they started shooting! Two-Twenty are dealing with them. We're all good, no ships down =^=
=^=Iron-One Copies. We had some ground fire down here. Tin Six Flight RV on me! We're putting the Marines down, about one klick from the Consulate, The Capital is saturated with EMP radiation, comms and sensors are eighty percent useless, so keep your eyes open! And be advised - it's a hot LZ! =^=
=^= Tin Six-One We copy! Dropping the leather necks at a hot LZ. ETA your location is fourteen minutes! =^=
=^=Iron-One Copy ETA in 14. I'm putting Captain Samson through to Sgt Hull and Sgt Cortez =^= Buren handed the comms over to Samson
=^= Sergeant Hull get your teams together we will be making our way to the consulate. Set phasers to stun, we do not want to start a war, this appears to be an internal conflict. Sergeant Cortez your team will be on stanby, be prepared for an evacuation mission.=^=
=^=Yes sir=^= came the reply from both NCOs.
Buren changed channels and called up their escort to find a path for the incoming flight and clear the landing zone of any possible surface threats.
=^=Iron-One to Two-Twenty escort Tin Six Flight is dropping the Marines at an LZ about one klick from the Consulate, Transmitting coordinates now. Designating that LZ-Alpha We'd appreciate it if you'd clear the way and cool the LZ off =^=
=^= I'm clearing it now and will orbit until you're clear. Surface threats are negative so far but these guys are aggressive. =^= Keeping a close eye on Iron-One as they moved in to drop off the Marines.
[Inbound LZ-Alpha]
Fifteen minutes later the Runabout led two columns of Polaris transports back into towards the designated landing zone. They were down to eighty feet off the ground and moving at high speed.
Lined out behind the Runabout were Tin Six - Six: Marine Transport - Team 1; Tin Six - Eight: the Armory and Tin Six - Nine: the Vehicle Transport carrying the MARGOs, Wesson and Winchester.
Tin Six- One The Command and Control Module led the second column of remaining craft with the second Marine team in Tin Six - Seven: Marine Transport - Team 2
=^=Iron One ETA over LZ-Alpha is ninety seven seconds! Tin Six-One Element hold off and circle. Iron One Element we'll land, upload and dust off, then rejoin Tin Six-One Element. Then we'll move to the hold point and loiter there. =^=
There was a host of acknowledgements over the comm system.
=^=Iron One to Two-Twenty! We are skids down LZ-Alpha in seventy seconds! You wanna shake the bushes for us =^=
=^= Roger that.=^= Maguire acknowledged call. However she quickly found it had gone from enemy quiet to targets emerging =^= Iron One be advised we're engaged with some fast movers near your area. =^= The dogfight was one her main goal to keep the fighters away from their transport dropping off marines.
=^=Iron One copys. All yours =^=
"Skids down in fifteen seconds Captain!" Buren told his Marine passenger "I'm opening the hatch!"
The port side door swung open and the cabin was filled with the rush of wind, dust and the howl of the engines.
"My team is ready. We shall set up a defensive perimeter until you guys are out of here.
Keeping the speed up Buren dropped the Runabout down to thirty feet as they approached the landing zone. He selected a spot on the far side of the ground, so the other craft could get down behind him and hauling back on the controls and the power he flared the Runabout down until it touched the earth.
"This is your stop Captain!" Buren called back "Good hunting!"
"Thanks Lieutenant and good luck" Pete immediately ran out into the park. He could hear the sound of a gun fight in the distance but it all seemed quiet in the park.
Behind the Runabout the Polaris transports tore in to the landing zone, hatches coming open on ship carrying the Marines as they landed in a whirl of dust.
The Polaris Crew chiefs began hustling their passengers off the craft.
"Thank you for flying Tin Six Airways! Please take your weapon when leaving your seat!"
"Move you ass Marines! Go! Go! Go!"
The 18 marines immediately ran out and set up a circle perimeter around the ships. Pete did not need to give orders or shout, they were Marines and knew that they needed to do. Sgt Hull approached Pete. "Perimeter set up sir." "I need are equipment and vehicles up and running within two minutes. We need to get to the consulate."
The Armory Module landed and dropped off it's containers of heavier platoon weapons. The canisters popped open to give the Marines instant access to their equipment
Sgt Hull ordered five Marines to hand out all the equipment. This was a well oiled machine working well to secure the park. Pete was impressed.
The vehicle transport touched down, hatches and ramps coming open on the vehicle bays. Three opened up without issue and the machines began to roll off.
The forth hatch jammed after opening about a foot, trapping the Winchester inside.
=^=Tin Six-Nine I've got a jammed bay door! Number Two is only partly open! It's won't reset! =^=
=^=My team will be fine without the Wincehster, you birds need to leave and the sooner the better. We are vulnerable here.=^=
Just then a series of explosions peppered the ground. Three blocks away a tall building overlooked the landing zone. Heavy weapons fire erupted from the roof, directed at the grounded space craft.
Clots of earth and debris showered down on the ships and Marines.
The next salvo got closer, a third would fall right on target!
=^= Lieutenant Buren get your birds out of here, I don't want to start a war here and I don't want to get bogged down. I need to get my team out of here and come heavy fire directed at the roof would be very helpful.=^= Pete shouted "suppressive fire."
=^= You might not need the vehicle Captain, but my ship can't fly with that hatch jammed! Plus your drivers aren't going to enjoy breathing space! You need to get that hatch open or closed, whichever it is, but do it fast! =^= Buren yelled into his comm
Pete was not a engineer and did not have a clue how to sort this problem out, however as a leader he knew who could. "Sergeant get two engineers to close that door to that bird an make it quick." Sergeant HULL pointed at two men. They immediately ran over to the jammed hatch removed their back packs. One of them started to take the tools out and the the other was looking at what to do. The engineer looked at Pete, "Sir we are going to have to close the door manually this is going to take about three minutes we are also going to have to destroy parts of the hatch which will mean a lot of repair back on DS5." "Ok Marine do it" replied Pete.
The marine engineers started to work on the hatch to get up, Pete had been told by his men that they could fix the hatch so he left them and started to review the combat area.
In the corner of his eye he could see two persons just outside of the park on the corner of the building. One of them was about to fire a grenade launcher at the vulnerable bird. Instinctively he lifted up his Marine Assault Rifle and shouted contact two o'clock by the building. He knew that the grenade launcher was about to be fired and things slowed down. He had to get this shot right or the bird was a goner. He brought his rifle into his shoulder and sighted the enemy, he could swear he saw the enemy pressing the trigger of the launcher. Pete breathed in held his breath and pressed the trigger while doing this he said to himself 'SMOOTH'. The shot was perfect and beam of energy hit the target, before the target fell to the ground Pete had shot his second energy beam and hit the second enemy.
Meanwhile, overhead the action was heating up quickly as the fighter group was becoming more engaged by both ground and air action. It was quickly becoming obvious that they were not going to be able to hold their own for long with the assets they had in-theater at the moment.
Caitlin didn't like the way things were shaping up for the fighters. "Any word on our backup. While I'm always a fan of a good party this is beyond crazy." Maneuvering her fighter to lock onto one of the enemy fighters.
=^= Negative on that one. If they got your message they should have launched. Something tells me... =^= Sagitta One's response stopped short as he was forced to dodge another surface-to-air missile. Rolling his fighter hard right. =^= The quicker someone can silence that ground site and its companion the better. =^=
The third salvo arrived, landing between two of the landed Polaris craft, blowing craters in the parkland grass, rocking the ships and showering the area with dirt and debris.
=^=Iron One Tin Six-Nine stay put! Everyone else dust off! Get back in the air! =^=
Buren slammed his power controls forward and hauled his Runabout off the ground, pushing forward he crunched through some tree tops as he rapidly gained height.
The Troop Transport and Armory ships followed him up. They swung up and around to rejoin the rest of Tin Six flight circling overhead.
Buren leaned over on his left peering out of the side window as he brought the Runabout around in a port turn, looking down on the vehicle transport still landed in the park "C'mon c'mon, clear that hatch, dammit"
Pete looked over at the marine engineers and could see they were working hard. The hatch was slowly closing but it was close, probably another 30 seconds. The second seemed to be taking forever, but there was no point in Pete standing over the marines shoulders they were professionals and working as hard as they could. Then he heard the hatch close and the engineers looked at Pete and nodded at him and cleared the area for the birds to take off.
=^= Take out that roof top =^= Maguire issued orders to her pilots that weren't currently engaged. Soon two missles lept from the two fighters directed at that very roof top. It didn't take long for that heavy weapons fire to fall silent.
Pete was waiting for the birds to leave, the MARGO and two Wessons were ready and his troops were ready to leave the park and head to the consulate.
As Pete waited, movement was spotted as several people began to exit one of the buildings a decent ways down the far street. With the exception of two of them, they all appeared to be military. The other two weren't wearing military issue combat uniforms like the others. It looked like they might be wearing Starfleet uniforms.
"Sergeant Starfleet personal at 6 O'clock heading towards the vehicles get everyone into are vehicles we need to extract those officers." =^=Lieutenant have you seen the Starfleet personal heading towards the vehicles. If this ends up in a chase we will lose, these are their streets I need air support we need to block them from going to far."
Pete ordered his men into the vehicles, the consulate would have to wait. Pete jumped into the front passenger seat of the MARGO as he was getting in the soldiers and Starfleet officers got into the vehicles on the street "Follow those vehicles Marine and don't lose them.
As they left the building, they headed in the direction of the town's center area. Less than a block up the street, Arianna froze, as she saw what was in the park. "I don't believe it..." She said, then signaled the others with her to make for the park. "Looks like the cavalry has arrived!"
Marine Captain Pete Samson
Commanding Officer Marine Corps
Starbase 80
Petty Officer 1st Class Arianna D'Tal
Executive Officer's Yeoman
Academy Cadet
Starbase 80
Lt Caitlin Maguire
220th Pilot
Lt Buren Zel
405th CTAG
Starbase 80