Doc-tor please
Posted on Mon Dec 29th, 2014 @ 1:22pm by Commander Liana & Lieutenant Carl Baumann
Location: Starbase 80 - Sick Bay
Baumann walk down the corridor towards the Sick Bay; it would be a stop as he wanted to get the official things out of the way, he needed to get the Medical checks out of the way.
He carried a PADD with the relevant Medical records for review while he submits to the Medical scans. He began to look around the Sick bay for something other the nurses; though a couple were attractive, for a Doctor.
"Computer, I need to have my Medical Evaluation, could you activate the EMH?" Baumann request.
Moments later, an attractive woman appeared with shoulder length black hair, sporting teal colors, and the rank of Commander.
"Please state the nature of the medical emergency." She said, as she looked at Carl.
"I am Lieutenant Baumann, a newly arrived Officer in science." Baumann noticed that the Holograms were becoming much more attractive as they advanced. "I am here to get my medical checks so to be approved for duty."
"That shouldn't be a problem, Mr. Baumann." Liana said as she picked up a Tricorder, and gestured to one of the beds. "Please have a seat, and I'll get you all squared away, so you can get started."
"Do I call you Doc-tor, Doc or Doctor with a name to differentiate you from other doctors?" His s German accent came across. "Or should I just ask your name?"
"I don't like labels, or ranks. I prefer a more personal approach to medicine." She explained as she opened the tricorder, removed the wand and started scanning him. "You can call me Liana."
He made sure to be kind but not move so that she can get a good scan.
It only took her a minute to complete the scan. She put the wand back into the tricorder, and set it down. "I don't see anything out of the ordinary, so I'd say you're cleared for duty." Liana gave him what appeared to be a genuine smile. "Sorry that the doctors are not here. They are conducting a mission off-station, so if you need any treatment, feel free to come back, and I'll help you the best I can."
"I do hope; no offense ov course, not to put your skills to much use. Not da you are not pleasant, just I try to avoid injury and derefore not be in the Sick Bay." HE nod. "Unless you wish to meet on a social level I might be a long time between visits."
"I'd prefer no one ended up here." Liana replied. "I'm always up for social visits, if I'm not helping someone else."
"I only arrived and you are most friendly person I have met." He nod. "I do owe you a social visit for being so kind." He smiled as well. "I do not suppose you could cover for my Counselor appointment?"
"Sorry I can't do that." Liana replied with a shrug. "I was programmed with medical skills, not counseling."
"Cannot hold it against me for trying?" He nod. "Thank you Liana..." He said and thought. "Has anyone commented that you hav a lovely name by da way?"
"No." Liana visibly blushed at the comment. "Thank you though."
"Then I should start heading in a direction to the Counselor?" He chuckled.
"That might be a wise idea." She smiled humorously at him. "Have a good day, Mr. Baumann."
"As Dey say on Bajor, Be Well Liana." He hopped down off the Biobed. "Until we meet again." He clicked his heels in a very formal German Military style.
"Until we meet again." Liana said with a humorous smile. "Have a good day, Mr. Baumann."
With that Baumann took his leave.
Liana watched him leave, smiling as he did so. "Definitely some interesting people on this base." She said to no one in particular. "Computer, deactivate the EMH program." And with that, she vanished, leaving sickbay just as it had been before.
Commander Liana
Emergency Command Hologram
Emergency Medical Hologram
Starbase 80
Lt. Carl Baumann
Assistant Science Chief
Starbase 80