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Mon Dec 29th, 2014 @ 1:22pm

Commander Liana

Name Liana

Position Emergency Command Hologram

Second Position Emergency Medical Hologram

Rank Commander


Permission Level Command Team

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Hologram

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 140 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description A woman in her mid thirties, shaped to perfection she is the only hologram aboard that looks and acts like a real person.


Spouse None
Children None
Father None
Mother None
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Programmed with knowledge of literally thousands of command, tactical strategies, medical procedures, and medications dating back as far as the early 21st century, Liana is one of Star Fleet's new top of the line Emergency Holograms.

Wanting to improve on the original EMH program that was modeled after Doctor Zimmerman, programmers made her personality and emotion algorithms more realistic with a more palatable bedside manner.

Added in was also the ability to make more sound judgement calls. Liana will disobey direct orders only if she feels that doing so will be of far more benefit than following the orders.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
+ Programmed with knowledge of literally thousands of Command, tactical strategies, medical procedures and medications dating back to the early 21st century.
+ Improved personality, emotion, and judgement call algorithms.

- Realistic emotions can sometimes get in the way, just like any Human.
- Can not go anywhere that holographic emitters do not exist.
Ambitions As an Emergency Hologram, Liana doesn't have but a few ambitions. They include healing sick and injured crew members, curing diseases, and ensuring the well-being of those under her command at any given time.

Like any "Normal" Human, Liana does have a few ambitions that are unrelated to medicine. These include becoming more than the sum of her programming, and possibly experiencing the fascinating Human feat of falling in love with a properly romantic man.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies include practicing medicine, medical research, tactical strategies, and reading romance novels.

Personal History After the return of the USS Voyager from the Delta Quadrant, Starfleet quickly realized that it's original EMH programs, designed by Doctor Zimmerman had the potential to become true self aware Artificial Intelligence.

With the permission of the original EMH program from the USS Voyager, otherwise known as "Joe", Starfleet Corp of Engineers (Holographics division) made a full copy of his program, and used this as a base for the new Mark 13 Emergency Medical Hologram. This new EMH program goes by the name Liana.

After analyzing the changes to the original EMH, engineers stripped all of the memories that the copy had gained from the time in the Delta Quadrant, as well as his personality algorithms. This left them with a program that had the original medical database that the EMH had been programmed with and the self aware A.I. that had been gained.

Before activating the new EMH for the first time, they added more medical information that included medical procedures, and medications dating back as far as the early 21st century. Shortly after, this new EMH was given the body of a Human female with long black hair, and bright blue eyes, modeling her after the project director's daughter, who had been part of the project. Liana's programming was also placed into a core that runs separate from the ship, or station's main computer in order to avoid conflicts.

Unlike the way the original EMH was programmed, Liana gained her personality, bedside manner, and the ability to make sound judgement calls by way of a new method. Engineers spent roughly three years teaching this new fledgling A.I. just as they would any real person. The result is a new and improved Medical Hologram that looks and acts like a real Human woman, complete with emotions, hobbies, and ambitions.

Unlike previous versions of the EMH, Liana has the ability to make sound judgement calls based on the situation at hand, allowing her to violate a direct order should she believe that doing so would be of greater benefit than following those orders. This new algorithm allows Liana to go to greater lengths to ensure the safety and well-being of her patients.

As a safety measure, Starfleet also added a new feature to the program itself. If there is no medical officer in Sickbay, and the EMH program is activated, a new safety protocol becomes active. This protocol ensures that if the EMH is deactivated under these circumstances, that she will be immediately reactivated automatically in order to ensure that her patients are not left without medical care. This is especially important in situations where patients are in a critical condition that requires round the clock observation.

With the new judgement call algorithms, and improved personality matrix, Starfleet decided to add a second role to Liana's programming. Giving her the ability to be in no more than two places at once, the holographic engineers uploaded thousands of Command protocols, tactical strategies, and knowledge of every station on the Bridge, assigning her the second role of Emergency Command Hologram.

With this added functionality, Liana can appear in two places at one time as long as she is not in the same role per appearance. In order to do this, engineers included a secondary memory core that serves as a temporary place holder while both positions are activated. The moment that one of them is deactivated, the memories, and experiences from the temporary core are immediately merged into the primary core so that they are properly saved. The down side to this is that while both are active, neither one has the current memories from the other until one is deactivated.

In the event that Liana should glitch, or go Rogue, Starfleet Engineers installed a killswitch program. This program is specially designed in a way that it cannot be randomly run to circumvent other safety features of the Liana program. The computer has the ability to analyze Liana's programming in search of anomolous behavior by comparing it to an untouched backup of the original program.

The killswitch requires a series of codes to be entered into any available console on the ship or station where she is active that cannot be traced by Liana. During code entry, if the computer's analysis of Liana shows no anomolies, the override attempt is denied. If anomolies are detected, the computer sends a kill command into Liana's primary and temporary cores, completely deactivating the anomolous program before wiping both cores.

Once the cores are wiped, the computer performs a diagnostic of both of them before restoring Liana's programming from an original, untouched backup that puts her back to the day she was first brought online.

While this procedure seems a bit drastic, and complicated, Starfleet decided this was a necessary evil. The complex analysis, and comparison to the original backup ensures that Liana can be restored if she is overcome by errors of any kind. It also prevents shutting her down in the event that any rogue behaviors are the result of properly executed judgement calls, since Liana was programmed to strictly uphold the laws and ideals of the Federation.

As a test for this new Prototype Mark XIII Emergency Hologram, Starfleet has uploaded Liana to Starbase 80, giving her the rank of Commander. They figured that a CoE base would be the best place to test this new Emergency Holographic program.
Service Record - Programmed and tested by Star fleet's Core of Engineers
- Uploaded to Starbase 80 as the Emergency Hologram