Carver v. Murphy
Posted on Mon Dec 8th, 2014 @ 5:26am by Commander Liana & Lieutenant JG Rayleigh Carver
Location: Shuttlebay 41/Station SIckbay
Timeline: Day 2 - 1400 Taranok Local Time
"Hey Carver, catch!"
"What?" Rayleigh looked up just in time to see one of the PADDs containing the shuttlecraft logs flying through the air. The scene played out in slow motion as the trajectory of the handheld display put it on a collision course with her face. A combination of velocity and the element of surprise prevented any reflexes from providing any useful defense.
"Ow! Dammit! Richards you asshole!" Rayleigh immediately reached for her face and realized that she had broken her nose.
"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..."
"Shut up! And you can take my next student up while I go to sickbay," Carver interrupted the apology. A long day of instructing was getting longer by the second.
Blood continued to drip from her nose as she did her best to walk out of the shuttlebay and towards the nearest turbolift without drawing too much attention to herself. Rayleigh glared at anyone staring for more than a brief second or two, trying her best to look tough and stifle the laughs that were trying to escape.
"Yah, I know I look hot righ' now, but i' you'd q'it starin', uh, which way to the lift?" Rayleigh queried an innocent bystander in the corridor, the clogged nasal passage prohibiting any sort of intelligible speech.
After about the fourth or fifth turn in the directions she was supposed to be memorizing, she just rolled her eyes and gave in to the temptation of laziness.
"Compuhter, durect transport to sickbay pwease."
It took the computer a moment to calibrate for the order it received, but finally the familiar tingle of a transporter beam moved her straight to sickbay.
With the majority of the primary medical staff gone on Taranok IV, sickbay was eerily empty. After several seconds of silence, the computer registered that the person in Sickbay was not a member of the medical staff, and activated a secondary safety protocol.
A moment later, a woman appeared only a few feet away from Rayleigh. She had dark hair just past her shoulders, and she wore the teal of medical.
"Please state the nature of the medical emergency." The woman said as she laid eyes on Rayleigh.
Oh you've got to be kidding, the EMH?
"Hi," Rayleigh stated flatly, wondering when the starbase had been updated to a different emergency medical hologram.
"Thith isn't emurgency, just hu'ts like hell," she pointed to her face.
"Kinda looks like it does. My name is Liana." Liana said as she picked up a nearby Tricorder, flipping it open, before gesturing to a biobed. "Why don't you have a seat, and I'll see what I can do about that broken nose of yours."
Complying with the instruction, Carver hopped up onto the biobed and pulled her hand away from her face momentarily to see if the bleeding had stopped. Mostly satisfied that the flood had been stemmed, she looked around at the base's medical facilities for the first time and emitted a low whistle - a sound unaffected by her current medical condition.
"Suh-weet setup, bu' uh, whur i'th everyone?" Rayleigh raised an eyebrow.
"According to the computer, they are helping in a crisis somewhere off the station." Liana said as she did a thorough scan of Rayleigh's nose. She closed the tricorder, taking a few steps aside to a nearby table that had a few tools, and hyposprays. "It's definitely broken, but it's just a small fracture. I'd like to give you something or the pain. Are you allergic to anything?"
Carver gave up trying to communicate verbally, realizing that she had been reduced to the vocabulary of a four year old. Shaking her head from side to side, she tried to keep her throat as clear as possible from the blood that was running down from her nose. Unbeknownst to her, Rayleigh's bottom lip was pursed, expressing disapproval with the entire situation and the other idiot that had put her there in the first place.
"I'm gunna hu't 'im when I get ow't of here." It was said empathically and with as much of a head nod as she dared to try.
Liana gave her a humorous smile as she filled a hypospray with a blue vial, and picked up a bone knitter, and dermal regenerator. "Look at it this way. At least you're getting the proper care to make you good as new." She said, before setting the items down on the biobed next to Rayleigh, then pressing the hypospray to her neck with a hiss. "That should ease the pain at least a bit."
"Mmmm," Rayleigh nodded, going against her better judgement and deciding to give speaking another shot. In theory, the conversational algorithms from the old MKII EMH from decades ago should have been much improved, even if the standard canned greeting hadn't changed since then.
"Wher' 'id you come from? You'h not duh EMH dat I knoe."
As the pain relievers kicked in, Liana put on a pair of gloves, and moved close to Rayleigh's face. "You're going to feel a little pressure as I set the bone properly." She warned before moving to set the bone. She wanted to make sure that when she ran the knitter over it, that it would heal properly. "I'm actually a prototype, if you can believe it. Something the Corps of Engineers cooked up over the last three years."
As she set the bone, Liana picked up the bone knitter, and began slowly running it over Rayleigh's broken nose. "They're saying I'm an upgrade from the one you know. Better bedside manners, real emotional algorithms, and knowledge of medical practices dating back over two centuries."
"Oh, my nose feels much better," Carver replied, still mouth-breathing but in considerably less pain than she had been in. Just as she began to open her mouth to reply to Liana's conversation, she resisted the temptation to look over as someone entered through the double doors into the facility.
"Commander," the voice quickly addressed the senior officer. It was Richards. He came into view just as Liana switched the bone knitter off.
"Look, I don't have much time and I ran down here to tell you I'm really sorry. I hope you start to feel better soon and, uh, maybe when you're less angry at me you'll let me make it up to you somehow. I'm really sorry and I..."
"Just," Carver exhaled through her newly repaired nasal passage, "just go back and take care of our students Richards. I'll be fine. Go away. Shoo!"
Rayleigh and Liana watched as the other flight instructor left, a rather sheepish look on his face due to Carver's response to his apology. Reaching up with her left hand to rub lightly against the bridge of her nose, Rayleigh lobbed another question.
"So, what do your emotional algorithms make of that?"
Liana took a cotton swab, cleaning some of the blood from what was left of the wound, before picking up the dermal regenerator to finish the repair. "That this was his fault, and you've already forgiven him." She replied. The remainder of the repair was easy and quick. "You're all done." Liana said as she removed her gloves, then disposed of them, and the cotton swab. "You might be sore for a few days, but otherwise, you're good as new."
"Thank you doctor, I hope to avoid any mishaps, but at least I know you'll be here," Rayleigh hopped down from the biobed and hugged Liana to thank her for the help. It was a mostly genuine gesture, but a small part of it was done out of curiosity to see how this new prototype would react.
Liana hesitated for a moment, before returning the gesture. "It's my job to be here." she replied in explanation. "I am a doctor after all."
"That you are, my friend, that you are."
Liana held the hug for only another moment, before letting go. "You'd better go." She said with a light smile. "Your students are waiting for you."
"Thanks for your help Liana. Take care of yourself," Carver smiled before she turned to leave.
"Any time." Liana replied. She watched Carver leave sickbay, then sighed. "Computer, deactivate the EMH program." and a moment later she was simply gone.
Commander Liana
Emergency Command Hologram
Emergency Medical Hologram
Starbase 80
Lieutenant JG Rayleigh Carver
Flight Instructor
Starbase 80