So, That Could Have Been Worse
Posted on Fri Nov 7th, 2014 @ 12:48am by Commander Andrew Matheson
Sooner or later, I will learn that I am fated to have overly interesting first days on the job. Or more accurately, I will remember that fact before events overtake me and react accordingly.
After an... interesting.. orientation session with the commodore's personal assistant, which culminated in a trip down to the planet's surface to get acquainted with the planetary facilities, we had the misfortune to get knocked on our asses when a ship exploded across the bay. No harm no foul, thankfully, as far as our facilities and personnel were concerned.
However, the next day the commodore decided to go down and investigate. I got asked along for an assortment of reasons, one of which was to assess the mood in the aftermath of the explosion.
It's been a while since my mood detector locked into full-on bullshit mode. Outside of a poker game, that is.
Between the councilor and the constable, there was a very nice stone wall being erected around our interest in what had happened down there. We decided to get out before we were thrown out, but something the councilor said about multiple places reporting trouble recently piqued a nerve. I mean, we knew about Taranok, and that place is being conspicuous by its silence - but that's the only trouble spot I'd heard about. I'm going to hope there's something in the diplomail that sheds some light on this all...
Personal aside: I need to brush up on my centering and shielding techniques. I appear to have gotten lax out in deep space, as on multiple occasions since arrival I have heard voices in my head. It is noted that these voices all had clearly definable sources with origins outside my skull; however, I feel I should have noticed the telepathic presence attached before I heard them. The fact that I did not is disturbing.
Computer, end log.