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Log Entry: Desoro 002

Posted on Sun Oct 26th, 2014 @ 10:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro

"Computer begin log."

Personal Log: Lt Commander Adria Desoro

I get the feeling from recent conversations that many consider the pilots and flight operations personnel miracle workers. That's a lot to live up to. Sure we do our best to deliver results but I don't want to admit that one day that impossible wall has punched us back.

Right now thats the best way to describe it. As combat pilots its our job to push the limit, but we can only go so far. Yet this is not the first or the last time we'll be tasked with the impossible. So I'm going to get some much needed sleep, or at least try.

Honestly I don't know when I'll get a decent night after this as I'm headed for our Forward Operating Base approximately ten hours from now. At this point I don't know how long I'll be gone.

On the other side I can't forget what I've given up personally. The part of me that is a wife and a mother won't allow that. But its far more complicated than I want to get into at this time. My thoughts keep drifting back to my past. No matter what duty requires of me. So I can't let those those memories get in my way.

Time to end this for now. I need to get some sleep.

"Eng log."


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