PL: Masters 001
Posted on Wed Nov 26th, 2014 @ 4:01am by Commander Eliana Masters
"Oh why not. Computer, record a log."
Eliana stared at the ceiling, wondering what she was going to talk about.
"I'm never good with titles. I haven't been for three centuries, and I doubt that's going to change any time soon. Plus, doing things numerically is sort of appropriate when you want to list them chronologically, right? Aaaaand we're off to a great start."
The sound of laughter bounced back from the walls, accompanied by the sound of padded feet entering the room.
"H'okay, so, I figure it's long past due for an introspective update on how things are going. For some unknown reason, I let a coupla' kids talk me into fostering a cat. It's some sort of civics project they're working on, tryna' make sure that all the pets on the station end up in good homes. This one's name is Piper, and as far as I can tell, she finds the area underneath my bed more preferable than actually coming out and being social. What's the point of a pet that you never see?"
At that moment, the grey tabby hopped up onto the foot of the bed, watching the proceedings intently.
"I swear, humans get attached to the strangest things. Most of them never stop living in the past long enough to enjoy the present, let alone have time to enjoy the future. Tragic, especially when you consider their lifespans. I want to walk up to them and shake them and tell them to get on with living, but they tend to dislike that. I'm just like, 'Whatever man, just trying to help.'
"Work, on the other hand," her voice trailed off. "Well, that's just work. The people are great, which makes everything else tolerable. Adria, Rayleigh, Rosaleen - they're the sort of people that make living out here better for not just themselves, but for everyone. I should strive to be more like that, shouldn't I? Why am I asking myself questions in the middle of my own log? Oh crap, there's another one.
"Anyway, I get to fly for the first time in a while tomorrow. I hope I don't make a mess out of it. Some of the guys were telling me that the Aerie Class is tough on folks that don't have at least fifty hours in type. Of course, with a grand total of seven-ish sim hours and zero actual hours, a fact they're well aware of, I'm sure they were just prodding me on as all pilots do. I would take their word for it, but these are the same guys that couldn't get dates to the event we held to open the new civvy facility the other week. I mean we're talking properly, properly hopeless. I would be a fool to take their advice on anything, let alone flying.
"That said, one of the guys is sort of distantly following me around. Very subtly, in fact, and if I didn't have three centuries' experience playing this game myself, then I wouldn't have ever noticed - but, there's no way anyone could have known to get me a gift card to Kataran's Palace. Plus, I catch him, how should I put this, um, glancing now and then. I think medical'd have to replace his jaw if I told him I had a twin sister..."
Ellie was stopped by the sound of Piper jumping off of the bed, retreating back into her fortress of solitude, seemingly disinterested in anything that the El Aurian had to say.
"Eh," Masters sighed, "I miss my sisters and I wish they were here. I might even miss my brothers if they weren't constantly badgering me about life after Petra. You just can't - force these things. The attraction has to be mutual, which in the case of the Kataran stalker, is sadly not the case. Oh well, you can't hate on an older brother for being protective of his baby sister."
With a concerted effort, Eliana rolled over and slid underneath the covers. The fatigue and desire for sleep was suddenly very overwhelming, but she was alert enough to notice a streak of grey fur bolt underneath the bed just as the lights faded out.
Masters rolled her eyes, yawning as she said, "Computer, end the log."