Log Entry: Desoro 001
Posted on Mon Sep 22nd, 2014 @ 8:19pm by Lieutenant Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro
"Computer begin log."
Personal Log: Lt Commander Adria Desoro
So far it has not been a quiet introduction to Starbase 80. It seems like if I'm not sleeping I'm in a fighter. To say this is a dynamic sector of space is putting it mildly. Honestly it wasn't that long ago the 220th finished escorting the transports on a supply mission that went from quiet to very heated rather quickly.
We're in a rough sector of space. However thats just scratching the surface of things. Anyway my attempt at rack time happened to be interrupted by another emergency. I'm always worried when a pilot goes missing. However it bothers me even more to know its Arianna D'Tal that's out there.
Our Intelligence of the exact situation is lacking however we just lost contact with our Recon mission. At this point our Alert 5 birds have launched and I'm headed into another briefing. Right now I have no clue how this situation will end. I hope we're not too late.
That knot in the pit of my stomach is a reminder to be careful. No matter what we're dealing with a very volatile situation. More later, duty calls.
"End log."