Personal Log: Lt Raina Setti
Posted on Fri Sep 26th, 2014 @ 11:33pm by Lieutenant Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro
Location: Pilot's Briefing Room, Starbase 80
"Computer begin log."
Personal Log: Lt Raina Setti
As a combat pilot there is often a lot of 'hurry up and wait'. Currently we're in a waiting pattern. Our birds are prepped to fly but we don't have official orders just yet. When I checked the current flight roster my squadron along with Lt Kai's is slated to fly with the CAG's.
The Commander didn't sound pleased when she issued the order to launch the Alert 5 birds and put another set in their place. Something like that doesn't happen unless the operational situation is dire. I get the idea our fellow pilots are in a very heated mission out there.
For operational security purposes the active mission comm frequencies are pretty restricted. So we just have to rely on the CAG or Flight Ops to update us as required. Lt Kai and myself are taking turns checking in with Flight Ops in person.
At the moment Tempest is tied up in a briefing. Hopefully she'll have more information once that has been completed. Its safe to say waiting is something I've never been good at. Action is what I prefer but we can't proceed on that path until we have orders.
One way or another this is going to be a very long shift. All of the 220th are pulling long hours, at least those of us who are cleared for active flight duty. We're short qualified pilots and that's no secret. It's a matter that is brought up at every briefing but no one has any good solutions. So we just have to take things as they come.
"Eng log."
Lt Raina Setti (NPC)
Draco Lead, 220th