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Moving On

Posted on Sun Mar 23rd, 2014 @ 10:30am by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea

Mission: New Frontier
Location: USS Merlin

Kathleen started at the comm alert. She had been deep into an old novel...a rare quiet moment that she had been able to actually have for herself. She should have known it was too good to be true. She sat the book down the end table and stood, taking a moment to enjoy a good stretch before making her way to the desk. Activating the terminal, she was surprised to see Admiral Rachoul. She immediately sat a bit straighter. "Admiral. I apologize for the delay."

"It's quite alright, Kathleen. I know you folks have been quite busy out there." Kathleen noted both the casual smile on his face and the manner in which he addressed her, and relaxed a bit. Most likely she wasn't in any kind of trouble. "I need to talk to you about something. Something that you will either be very ecstatic about, or absolutely hate." OK maybe not...

She shifted nervously in her chair. "Well you certainly have a way of getting a woman's attention, Admiral. I do hope you are not referring to some boring diplomatic function where I have to dance and smile all night. I'm afraid I am a bit tired for parties."

"Now do you think I would call on you this late with something so mundane?" Goosebumps paved her skin as she began to perceive that something big was in the air. "I just came out of a ridiculously long session telling the folks at Command that you were the perfect person for this job..." Job...something new, and probably off the Merlin..."...and I must say that, given your recent history, it wasn't an easy sell. But with your background and history at the Yards, resistance was as they say...futile."

'They want me to give up my ship.' was all Kathleen could think. She fought so damned hard to keep her command. Why are they taking it now? "So...ahhh, just what would this new 'job' entail?"

A long pause...and that damned smile...

"The Frontier has to be tamed, and the Council feels that there is only one entity that can accomplish that. One that can build the Frontier into a productive region of Federation Space." Another long pause. "They want to base a Corps of Engineers division in the Frontier, and I want you to take command of that Division."

All Kathleen could do was blink.

"Your new home will be Starbase 80. I must warn you though. The station is inactive. She took quite a beating during the Kzin incursion into the sector. A lot of work will be necessary just to make it habitable...which you will need to accomplish in a short amount of time. To that end, you will have complete authority over the stations upgrades and assignments, including personnel."

It took more than a few seconds for Kathleen to wrap her mind around everything that Rachoul had said to come together in Kathleen's head. "How soon would you need me to begin this new assignment?"

"Your replacement is waiting for you at 343 should you decide to accept the challenge." Claude replied matter-a-factly. "There is a large enough pool of people in the regional Personnel pool to crew the Merlin should even the entire crew decide to come with you. This project needs to be started yesterday. The only thing it's waiting on is a proper overseer. If you say yes, you are directed to immediately set course for Starbase 343 to get started. Some of your crew, should they decide to stay with you, will actually head on out to the Station to get things rolling...specifically your Chief Engineer and staff that he requires to get her warmed up again, your COB, and Security Personnel." He had certainly done his homework, hadn't he.

Kathleen took a bit longer than even she would have expected to answer. The downside was an obvious one. She would have to give up the Merlin, after everything she and the crew had done to keep her. A lot of blood part of that history, and she had sworn to honor that sacrifice. But what she was being offered...well, it was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. It was extremely rare for a Corps of Engineers billet to open, let alone Command of a division.

But being tied down to a Starbase...not exploring the farthest reaches of space both known and unknown. Would the post offer her enough challenge to keep from becoming bored? But then again, she would still be in the Frontier. It was never boring out here...

A decision. "Admiral, I will direct my helmsman to set course for Starbase 343 at once. We should be there in...oh, I'd say six days. If you can transfer all pertinent data on the bases current condition to me, it would be greatly appreciated." Might as well get to work now.

Admiral Rachoul smiled...a knowing smile. "I did so about an hour ago, Commodore...I knew you couldn't resist the challenge." Before Kathleen could respond he cut her off. "We will talk once you arrive, Kathleen. Until then...use your time wisely. Rachoul out." And with that, the screen went blank. Probably did not want to give her a chance to change her answer. Well, she might as well break the news. She activated her commbadge. "Captain D'Tal, could you report to my quarters please?"

So started the next chapter...


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