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What's Behind Curtain Number 3?

Posted on Sun Sep 7th, 2014 @ 7:32pm by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Commander Eliana Masters & Lieutenant Vilgi Morr & Lieutenant Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro

Mission: New Frontier
Location: Hangerdeck 13B
Timeline: Backpost (Before Lost Contact)


[USS Mallard Main Engineering]

Von Hyden was chatting with his chief engineer on scheduling a overhaul of the Old Duck's starboard nacelle induction vents when his commbadge chirped. It was the Bridge with a request from Commodore O'Shea that he transport over to one of the Starbase's hanger levels as soon as possible.

=^=Okay, acknowledge and tell them I'm on my way =^= He responded. Ten minutes later he materialized on the station and found his way down to the designated deck.

[Temporary Flight Operations Office]

"They want me where?"

Commander Eliana Masters and the rest of the staff at Flight Operations were in the process of trying to get some semblance of a duty roster together. Pilots that needed additional or recurring training were placed at the top of the training queue, and the previously empty board behind Ellie's desk was beginning to fill with columns labelled "TRAINING", "ACTIVE", and "RESERVE". Further complicating the matter was the fact that the base seemed to have just about any and every flying machine that Starfleet had ever listed in its database.

"Ma'am, they're saying 13B. Commodore's orders."

"Mark me in transit," Eliana returned, walking out the door.

[Hangerdeck 13B]

"Everybody...if you would gather around." Kathleen waited until everybody was quiet. "Thank you. I appreciate you all coming down on such short notice. We have a short presentation that I am guessing you all will be quite interested in. I would like to introduce an old friend of mine to you, Jim Masterson. He and his assistant, Mike Plunkett, are from Cerberus Corps R & D division, and will be based here at New Frontier."

Von Hyden perked up, R&D projects were usually interesting and occasionally dangerous. As they were in a shuttle hanger, this was probably some new type of small craft he reasoned and like any pilot he was interested to see what it was.

Adria had entered hangerdeck 138 with her helmet under one arm. Resting inside was a PADD. It had been a busy morning already. Next on her agenda after this meeting with O'Shea was a briefing. Paying attention to what the Commodore had to say.

Unfamiliar faces were beginning to become a familiar sight to Eliana, and today was no different. Luckily, she didn't appear to be late to the meeting. Thirteen Bravo was one of the largest facilities that was currently operational on the base, but something seemed a bit off about the dimensions. Masters had yet to spent any reasonable amount of time on the flight line as she usually did, but she had a feeling that somehow, the space seemed smaller than it had been.

"Hello everyone," Masters' smile did not betray the dimensional confusion in her head.

Stepping forward as requested, Vilgi was more than pleased when told who the two men were, "So your the pair responsible for the system that got me out of more than a few tight spots. Is good to finally meet you in person gentlemen."

Masterson nodded to Vilgi in response as Kathleen had started speaking again. "These gentleman are here to share a bit of information with you about a new project that is about to go into field testing, and thought we might be interested. Jim?" She took a couple of steps back as Masterson started to speak. "Than you, Commodore. As you are probably aware, Cerberus Systems has contracted with Starfleet to put a facility on Starbase 80. The reasons for this are numerous, but the fact is you folks will benefit in several ways from our presence here, one of which is being a test bed for some of our newer tech as we work the kinks out."

"One of the biggest issues we have run across to date is the need for stations to be able to haul more cargo locally than the Titan allows. While the Titan is perfect for the average Starship, it just can't keep up with stations and bases that move high volumes of equipment and cargo. To that end, we have started development on a new line of high capacity cargo system haulers. Three years we have been working on this concept, and the first item ready for deployment testing is finally ready. After much discussion..." He looked at Kathleen and winked. "...we were convinced that Starbase 80 would be the perfect testbed. So...enough blowing smoke, cause I know that is not what you are here for." He pulled out a mini-PADD and made a couple of gestures on it. Behind him, a large door separating the bay in half started to open. "I present to you our latest toy, Cerberus Systems Northstar Class Heavy Transport."

Some toy, Masters thought to herself. Simultaneously, her mind was relieved of its earlier confusion over the dimensions of the hangar and her concept of a "heavy transport" was redefined by what the door had been hiding. The better part of fifty meters long, the Northstar loomed over its nearby hangar-mates, standing steadfast as a logistical dream and pilot's worst nightmare.

"What a tremendous machine," Ellie commented aloud. "I must admit, maneuverability concerns me a bit. I would like to know what sort of amendments to facilities have to be made in order to accommodate the Northstar."

It was Plunkett that spoke up. "Load facilities on the station will only need special requirements for loading. You will only need a few bays to accommodate the Northstar, as there will only be a total of eighteen active for now. Main need is for extended gantry cranes to load the modules. We have toured the station, though...this should not be a problem. As you can see, this bay can more than handle the hardware with room to spare."

Masterson picked up at that point. "As far as maneuverability, well yes...she is big. But she is also capable of extremely fine movements when necessary. Getting her into position under most circumstances should not be a problem. The only issue you will have is in high wind."

"Wind? So it is capable of flying in atmosphere," Masters raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Well, as long as there's enough power to hover or come close to it, then weathervaning into the wind should make things a breeze."

Von Hyden went to walk around the craft before commenting, he noted a couple of phaser arrays and some torpedo launchers, so it was not unarmed, which was reassuring. Passing the open hatchway he peered in, seemed to be roomy inside, so that meant a large crew.

Strolling back to the front he asked "What's the flight duration time, before resupply?"

"72 hours without refuel. She is a thirst beast, unfortunately. But for heavy lift operations she cannot be matched. On board supply and replication capability will support a crew of up to 8 for a week, more depending on material availability and modules carried along."

Von Hyden nodded. The thing seemed capable enough however it was half the size of an Aerie Class, had a very limited duration but needed as just as many crew. That didn't seem particularly efficient.

He wasn't sure on the atmospheric aerodynamics either. The only way would be to test one out. Overall he was neutral on the craft so far.

He expected the 405th would be assigned some at which point the thing would have a chance to prove itself under operational conditions and he had no doubt his crews could push the ship to its limits.

Desoro watched and listened. So far she gathered the 220th would have another set of craft to protect. Of course given the territory that's why they were assigned to Starbase 80 in the first place.

Masterson waited for a brief moment before speaking again. "Any other questions?" He waited for a few moments for any replies, of which there were none. "I would like to also add that there are several new modules designed specifically for this craft en-route to the station as well...should be here by Friday. This will include essentially the components for a major medical facility with full decon capabilities...something that we all hope is never needed, but Starfleet was very specific on the availability and design of them."

Seems simple enough, Masters thought to herself. She chose not to speak aloud, but from her body language, it was clear that she did not have any pressing issues with the revelation of another tool added to the arsenal. There would need to be a new training program to develop in order for pilots to transition to the new equipment, but between herself, Von Hyden, and the rest of the department, Eliana was certain that they were up for the challenge.

Kathleen Stepped back up to the front of the group. "Alright then. You will see these being deployed fully within the week. Full operations and maintenance manuals are available on the mainframe. If you have any questions, these folks are always down here. Thank you all for attending. Dismissed."


Commodore Kathleen O'Shea
Commanding Officer
Starbase 80

Commander Eliana Masters
Director of Flight Operations
Second Officer
Starbase 80

Lt Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro
220th CAG
Starbase 80

LtCmdr Falk Von Hyden
CO 407th

Lieutenant Commander Vilgi Morr
Chief Logistics and Materials Officer
Starbase 80


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