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A Helping Hand

Posted on Thu May 1st, 2014 @ 5:25am by Captain Pete Samson & Lieutenant Vilgi Morr

Mission: New Frontier
Location: Deck 74, Logistics Office

Pete had already met Lt O'Donnell, probably the most important person to know on the Starbase, it was now time to met the second most important person on the Stargbase, Lt Cmdr Morr, Chief Logistics and Materials Officer. If you got on the wrong side of Logistics you would never what you wanted and in this place all you would end up with is duty rations.

Pete was in his small one man quarters, he had already hung up picture of his family and this was about as personal as it would get. "Computer please locate Lieutenant Commander Morr"

Lieutenant Commander Morr is on Deck 74, Logistics Office.

Pete headed of to see Lt Cmdr Morr, he knew that he would be very busy so he believe that a personal introduction would be best. Maybe the Commander needed a distraction.

At that point Vilgi was in fact wading though a number of requests for materials mostly they were deck plating, bulkheads and conduits. Which pointed to just how much work was needed to get the station to work as advertised. He wanted to get across the hall at some point today, to figure out his new setup. But that was going to have to wait.

Pete walked onto Deck 74, Logistics. It was also in a sorry state but worked had been started. He could see a Lieutenant Commander sat at desk hard at work. Pete knew that the Commander would be very busy but he need to say hello.

"Commander Morr?" asked Pete. He stood to attention and saluted.

Having just slumped back in his chair with hands over his face. Finaly he thought himself on top of things for an hour or so. When a voice hailed him from behind, he spun on the chair to face the source which was not a member of the logistics department. "This is he and you are?"

"Captain Samson, Marine CO pleasure to meet you Sir." Pete extended his hand and smiled at the very busy Commander.

Rising from his seat with a little chuckle at the salute, somethings never change with marines, before grasping and shaking his hand firmly. "What brings you to logistics in person Cap'n."

"Hope you don't mind me popping in and introducing myself, I know that you are very busy but I have a feeling you could do with a break. It would be good for us to get to know each other and when my Marines arrive I am sure we can lend a hand with the lugging around."

"Now there's an offer that's hard to refuse! I think any longer working at that console and my eyes would start to look like data lines." Vilgi expressed with a grin and relief, jumping at the chance to step away for a short while. "There's a coffee mess down the hall, well a room with a replicator and a couple of chairs, but for now it'll have to do. Follow me." Vilgi informed him as he started for a door that was for now stuck open and into the adjoining corridor.

"Coffee sounds great Commander," Pete followed Vilgi out of his temporary office. He could see that the Commander had put a lot of effort to pressing his uniform and making himself look smart. Pete always noticed thing like this, first impression were very important to Pete. Although the Commanders uniform was dirty in parts you could tell that this was due to the work that he did. "So commander are you an ex marine too?"

"The Boss Lady, does like the the marine turned fleet in key positions. But no, I joined starfleet, background is Operations, I spent a good few years in flight operations as well as handling logistics on the Discovery and then the Merlin. Then here." Vilgi explained with a grin as they walked along.  

"Everyone I have met or been introduced to so far has been an ex Marine, including LT O'Donnell, not that, that is a bad thing."

"So how long you been on board Commander?"

"About a week now. The works getting done, and we're getting back on our feet. I'd like to have a Cerberus bay up and running by the time O'Shea gets here but we'll see about that." Vilgi commented as he started mentally to run though his own personal checklist then stopped, one as it would take to long, two they were at the coffee mess. Turning in Vilgi noted some small groups of jumpsuit clad technicians taking a well earned breather. "How about you Captain, I'm guessing you've been here a day or less?"

"Yes, less than 24 hours. This will be my first time as Marine CO, and I know how important it is to network and get to know the senior staff. I want to be part of this Starbase, I do not want and them and us attitude. We are all on the same team." Pete smiled at Vigli, he knew that he was going to like him.

"So what can I get for you Commander?"

"Bolian Tea with Peppermint, seen as your offering, Cap'n." Vilgi requested following the offer, taking a seat, thankful it was an empty table an not a console facing him.

Pete walked over to the replicator and asked for the drinks, he then walked over to the Commander and took a seat. "I would not like to be in your shoes Commander, you will the busiest person on-board for some time and I mean what I said, when my Marines get here just ask and they can be used for anything."

Thanks, as far as having a lot to do, yeah that's true, but the way I look at it is. I'm now the person in a position to make things happen, I can play a part in getting this starbase up to and beyond spec. Then we can get back out there and do some good in the Frontier." Was his quite determine response, but the Fronter was beginning to feel like home, despite it problems and issues or maybe because of them. "As for your guys lending a hand, tell you what I'm sure there are few shuttlebay close by your area of the starbase, yes? Plan is to convert most of them to the Cerberus Transport System. You've got combat engineers assigned to your unit?"  

Pete smiled at that, and though to himself 'yes it is my unit.' "We will at least have a handful attached to us and others basically trained in engineering. I am sure that we will be able to help you Commander. It will be good to have work for them as well as training."

"Good ill send some from logistics along, they can talk through how the bays are set up and aside from providing the material leave your unit to it. As well there are bays next to the main medical area, they were partially collapsed and damage, no doubt to make access to our more vulnerable that bit harder. They need clearing if you can spare a few of your guys."

"As soon as my Marines arrived I will touch base with you again and make them available to you Commander. It has been a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to us working together." Pete stood up saluted the Commander and walked off.


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