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Meeting The Commander

Posted on Sat Mar 28th, 2015 @ 6:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Keith Anderson & Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Lieutenant Commander Holcrut Brezibluxz

Mission: Bloodpath
Location: CO.s office
Timeline: current

After arriving on Starbase 80, Lieutenant Commander Kieth Anderson, the new Chief Combat Operations Officer, went to see Commodore Kathleen O'Shea, the Starbase 80 commander. He went to her office and rang the chime, and waited for her to accept him in.

A young lieutenant in red walked over to him from an ante-office. "Excuse there something I may help you with?"

Kieth said "I am supposed meet Commodore O'Shea right now. I'm Lieutenant Commander Kieth Anderson, the new Chief Combat Operations Officer for starbase 80" he said to the young Lieutenant.

"I'm sorry, but the Commodore is not aboard at present. She is on Taranok IV overseeing the operation there. And before you ask, communication with the planet is not possible. We have been using 'runners'...auxiliary craft or fighters relaying message packets back and forth."

Kieth asked the young Lieutenant. "When will she return to Starbase 80 ? " He was supposed to report to her.

"I don't think you quite understand, sir. She is currently in an active combat zone. There are no timelines established. In fact..." He handed Kieth a PADD that contained the latest equipment and supply tasking orders. "...from the looks of this, they plan on being there for a while."

Kieth read the PADD then he finally understood what the lieutenant told him " Very well Lieutenant. Who is in command of starbase 80 Right Now? " Kieth Wondered Who was left in Command while Commodore O'Shea was on the Planet.

"That would be Commander Brezibluxz. He is probably down in the TIC."

Very well thanks for the info Lieutenant " Kieth said. He contacted Commander Brezibluxz " Commander Anderson to Commander Brezibluxz" Kieth said.

"Go for Brez." Was the simple answer.

I am on my way the ops I need to speak with you" Kieth said.

"Make it quick...I'm down in combat. Things are starting to go south quickly."

"I am reporting for duty Commander " Kieth said.

"Well you might want to get down here and familiarize yourself with your shop. We have a few issues. ADCC is not up to full staffing...just a couple down but key positions. Most importantly we are down a Red Crown for Delta Shift B. Also the TEG is ready for deployment and needs a final brief. You should already have that data on your was sent two days ago so you could make your assessment and mission op plan on the way in."

I am on my way Commander "Kieth Out " As he headed for the bridge Kieth took a look at the data on his PADD And began to make his assessment and mission Op Plan he needed to get with his deputy to discuss his plan.

Lieutenant Commander Kieth Anderson
Chief Combat Operations Officer
Starbase 80

Lieutenant Commander Holcrut Brezibluxz
Mission Advisor
Starbase 80


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