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Like a Loyal Beagle

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2015 @ 7:14pm by Lieutenant Carl Baumann & Lieutenant Commander Emmett Arjax Sc.D / D.A.S.

Mission: Bloodpath
Location: Science Offices
Timeline: concurrent


Baumann knew where the the Science Offices were, he mingled with the crew and civilians of the station along the way to get there. Compared to the rest of the station the Science Division seemed to be more 'cocooned' than the other departments, the cross section of activity seemed less; like the Science Section was an entity of their own?

He walked into the Laboratory and realized why; there were beakers and data readouts and samples being processed. IT was a menagerie of theories and practical experiments all coming together at once.

"Egg Heads." Baumann said under his breath as he started to look around for the Science Chief.

Noting the man away from the others; the no Holodeck on the Beagle meant lots of time to work out in the gym or read. Baumann knew the official records of the command and Science division. SO it was not hard for Baumann to pick out the new Section Commanding Officer.

"Commander Kellan, I am Carl Baumann, The DSV Beagle and I are at your service." He clicked his heels slightly as he gave a bow and then looked to his new 'Boss.'

Dr. Kellan handed a stack of padds to the new arrival as he turned and checked another beaker and adjusted a bunsen burner. "These are very delicate." he said as he adjusted the setting on the magnetic stirring hotplate. There were 3 different centrifuges spinning test tubes at various speeds. while Kellan was furiously taking notes and passing more padds over to Lt. Baumann.

Baumann saw a nice stool to hold the padds when they were becoming heavier. He knew that the man that stood before him had absolutely no idea Baumann was the head of Marine Exploration and not some yeoman to carry the padds.

"Your Bunson's are burning." Baumann said calmly.

"Oh, My" Dr. Kellan exclaimed handing off the the rest of his padds before rushing over to check the settings of the Bunsen burners. "Naturally, everything is in perfect order. "

Dr. Kellan looked up as if only just noticing another man was in the room with him. "What can I do for you, Lieutenant?"

"I am reporting dat the DSV Beagle has docked and we await assignment?" Baumann started, Tossing the latest PADD to a near by open space on the counter. "I am also give De honor of heading the Aquatic studies and exploration under your department of Science." He smiled as he tilt his head. "Und I am going to find you a yeoman to clean and Organize for you."

"Um thanks, I guess, My wife would appreciate it she usually stops by to tidy up."

"So I take it you will want the regular reports of the Aquadic explorations and progress of supplement investigations?" Baumann asked hoping for the answer. "I will forward you all the relevant reports Sir." He bow slightly and clicked his boots in a military fashion. "If you will excuse me I vill be reporting to da Beagle and taking her owt to sea?"

Baumann noticed the 'Nutty Professor' was focusingmore on his experiments, he would notice Baumann's exit an hour or two from now.

"No use waiting around." He chuckled to himself as he went to leave, the 'call of the sea below' rang in him, he was not going to leave that unanswered.


LT. CMDR Emmett Kellen Sc.D/ D.A.S.
Chief of Science

Lt. Carl Baumann
Commander DSV Beagle


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