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Making a friend

Posted on Mon Dec 15th, 2014 @ 2:31am by Commander Liana & Lieutenant Commander Ethan Mackenzie

Mission: Bloodpath
Location: Starbase 80 - Sickbay

"Hello...?" Ethan called out in a questioning tone as he looked around sickbay. There wasn't anyone there. It was strange. He placed his bag and a PADD on a bio-bed as he wondered around once more. He called out, but still no answer. He wondered back to his belongings. "Computer, activate the stations EMH."

After a short moment, a woman appeared with dark hair just past her shoulders, and the colors of medical. She sported the rank of Commander as she looked at Ethan. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."

“Hmm…” His eyes focused on the EMH that just appeared in front of him. He was surprised. He had expected one of the male models of EMH to appear in front of him not a female one. He had never seen one before. It was a nice change. ”Now, if they can only change that greeting.” He thought to himself. “There doesn’t appear to be anyone here. Would you happen to know why is that?”

"According to the computer, they are helping with a crisis somewhere off the station." the woman explained as she looked him over, revealing that she was able to get information from the computer as needed. "Is there something I can help you with, Mr. Mackenzie?"

He smirk for a moment. It was definitely an upgrade visually but the personality doesn’t appear to have changed much. He reached for the PADD he had placed down earlier. “Yes, I just arrived. I was hoping I’d be able to take care of my medical in-progressing.”

"Well just have a seat, and I'll get you all squared away." She told him with a smile. She picked up a nearby tricorder, approaching the biobed nearest to him. "I promise I won't bite."

Ethan nodded taking a seat on the biobed that he had been leaning on. He watched as she approached him with a tricoder. Her statement made him chuckle. “I didn’t know that you could bite.” Ethan said in response without even thinking. It was a bad habit. Sometimes he said the first thing that came to mind and this was no different.

"You'd be surprised." She said with a smirk. She removed the wand, opening the tricorder to perform a thorough scan. "I can do a lot of things you might not expect."

“Hmm…” Ethan raised an eye brow ever so slightly at her. He was intrigued by her words and slightly surprised. He decided to play along. “Do I dare even ask…?”

"Let's just say that I'm a top of the line A.I." She said as she continued her scan. It was almost over, and the results would soon be filed away into the man's medical database. "You can call me Liana."

“Liana…” Ethan repeated the name after she had said then. He noticed the pins on the collar of her uniform. “Would it not be more appropriate to call you by your rank?” His eyes shifting to her rank once more before he looked back to her eyes.

"I prefer a more personal approach to medicine. People tend to warm up a bit to someone who's more personal." She smiled at him as she put the wand back in the Tricorder, and closed it. "You're all done, and ready to go."

“The personal touch is much appreciated.” Ethan smiled back at her. Pausing for a brief second. “Liana” Ethan added after the pause. “Thank you.” He started to collect his belongings. For some reason it felt weird to leave, and have the EMH program end. She seems so real.

"You're welcome." Liana replied. While many thought that a hologram was nothing more than a computer generated image, the feelings that ran through Liana seemed as real to her as any emotional being. "Any time you need medical help, you're welcome back here. Either myself, or a medical officer will here to help."

“Thank you. Hopefully, I won’t need medical attention too often.” Ethan said as he headed towards the door. He stopped a few meters away looking back. “But, I might stop by just to say hi sometimes. If that’s okay with you, Liana?”

Liana gave him a genuine smile. "I don't see why not, as long as I'm not busy working on someone." She told him. "That kinda takes precedence."

"Of course. I understand." Ethan responded. He gently pulled the strap of his bag on his shoulder turning half-way towards the door. "You have a great rest of the day. I will see you later." He said turning fully towards the exit and stepped out.

Liana watched him leave, and smiled to herself as she set the Tricorder down on one of the tables. Only the second time she'd been activated, and already she was making friends. "Computer, deactivate the EMH program." A moment later, Liana vanished, leaving sickbay in silence.

Joint Post By

Commander Liana
Emergency Command Hologram
Emergency Medical Hologram
Starbase 80

Lt Commander Ethan Mackenzie
Chief Operations Officer
Logistics/Embarkation Specialist
Starbase 80


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