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Seeking Help

Posted on Thu Oct 16th, 2014 @ 11:44pm by Lieutenant Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro & Lieutenant Commander Emiko Oda

Mission: Bloodpath
Location: TIC

Adria exited the briefing with more of a headache than she'd entered it. The whole incident with the new Chief Medical Officer didn't help anything. However it was also safe to say the CAG happened to be running on an very short fuse thanks to their current situation.

Next on her agenda happened to be a meeting with Combat Ops. Given the volatility of the Taranok region she couldn't afford to send more pilots in totally blind. Perhaps they could also come up with a solution that would give them better comms or at the very least a way to get more recent Intel for her pilots.

"Is Commander Oda available?" Adria entered the TIC once more. Doing her best to keep her frustration under control even though she was currently very frazzled.

"She's in the training bay" the young crewman replied. "I know she isn't with anyone right now, so ..., go on in."

"Thank you," Adria replied before heading into the training bay.

Of course the reason Emi wasn't with anyone was that she was focused entirely on herself at the moment. Specifically, holding a one-handed arm balance, with her entire body balanced on her left hand as she slowly and fluidly moved the rest of her body through different positions. She heard the door open, but ignored it as she maintained the position, then gradually set her right hand down next to her left and finally rolled gracefully forward and up onto her feet in a movement that looked both effortless and impossible at the same time.

Seeing the other woman in the room, Emiko simply approached, her eyes locked on the other person as she tuned out the rest of the universe.

"Good morning" Emi said simply.

"Good morning. My apologies for interrupting your workout. I wish I had time to do more than breathe lately." Taking a moment to properly introduce herself, "Adria Desoro, 220th CAG. Though you'll soon find that many around here just call me Tempest. There is an urgent matter I could use your assistance with."

"Nothing is more important than breathing, don't rush it. Now what can I do for you?"

Adria nodded, "We have a major crisis to deal with. Long story short we have a pilot and VIP missing on Taranok IV. The place is a war zone and our recon team reported heavy resistance then we lost touch with them as well. Whether its due to jamming or something else our comms aren't reliable."

"Deaf and blind, thats never good. I take it this VIP is not expendable" Emi added.

Briefly Desoro paused then continued, "So thats complicating things. In short we need better Intel, a way to get better comm coverage or both. It doesn't matter whether my pilots end up going in on their own or if they are accompanying any further assistance, we need to see what we can do so we aren't working totally blind here from the station."

"We need a forward command and control element" Emiko said confidently. "Close enough to monitor the situation, large enough to defend itself, but small enough to stay under the radar. The commodore already tasked me I leave to take personal charge tomorrow."

"Captain Samson, CO of the Marine Detachment has a team that went in as part of the recon mission but I have a feeling they were initially planning on a SAR type mission. We don't know how deep or wide this conflict extends. I'd say we need to be prepared for this to last a while. Having some sort of forward command and control in place could be beneficial. Thank you for your assistance Commander," Adria replied.

"My pleasure. Once I get on the ground tomorrow we should have your comms and intel situations resolved and get an accurate status on all of our people and the greater situation."

Adria nodded, "Yeah its a complicated situation at best with Taranok but not something that will be solved in a day." So for now they would do the best they could given the situation. "Thank you again." Desoro turned to leave.


Lt Commander Adria "Tempest" Desoro
220th CAG
Starbase 80

Lt Commander Emiko Oda
Chief Combat Operations Officer
Starbase 80


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