Welcome to New Frontier, Mr. Revell
Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2014 @ 3:39pm by
New Frontier
Location: USS Bettina
Timeline: Current
Sitting in his desk chair aboard the transport ship Bettina, Max was going over some of the research projects he had been apart of during his final year at the academy. He had taken both the summers after his second and third years to intern at the Engineering Corps in San Francisco. The internship had actually lasted into his senior year, where he had received permission from the sitting academy Commandant to remain apart of the project into the academic year. They were working on creating a new form of the bio-neural gel packs, such as those used on many starship computer systems, that had potential to be integrated into many more ship systems. As a energy systems student, it had been a prime opportunity for Max to get some hands on experience in real life situations. Though they did not complete the project during Max's internship, he was kept appraised of developments and even acted as a consultant every now and again.
Max's internship experience was likely the reason he was chosen for this assignment. The Bettina was one of the garrison transports of Starbase 80, a celestial class base nicknamed New Frontier. According to his initial briefing, the crew of New Frontier would be primarily associated with the Corps of Engineers, meaning this would be a large scale research base. That was certainly right up Max's alley, since he loved learning new concepts in general. The thought of creating a new technology or discovering a new subatomic particle was invigorating. As a member of this crew, Max had high expectations.
The trip aboard the Bettina had taken nearly two weeks. He was happy with space travel, but he was ready to get to work. When the announcement came that they were arriving at New Frontier, he quickly made sure all of his belongings were ready and made his way to the observation lounge so he could view the approach. The base was a beauty! As the Bettina made her final approach, Max stood in awe as the base grew larger and larger in the viewport. It was certainly bigger than headquarters, and almost entirely reserved for research and development. Max smiled and moved toward the exit hatch.