Marine CO Personal Log
Posted on Sat Apr 5th, 2014 @ 8:45pm by Captain Pete Samson
Computer start personal log, Captain Samson, Marine Commanding Officer.
I got the post that I applied for on Starbase 80. I am looking forward to the challenge and also my first real command. I also think that I will be very busy, being a frontier posting. I will make sure that I and my Brigade will be ready for anything.
I am going to have to get use to working with Starfleet Officers again, this may take sometime. But if I heard correctly the Commodore is an ex Marine, and my motto is 'once a Marine, always a marine.'
I am traveling to the Starbase by civilian ship, I wanted to get there early than expected, I want to see the Starbase as a civilian.
It will be great to get back to work, I have just had a few moths off and to be honest I was very bored, no excitement at all on Earth, but I needed the rest after my last posting.
I arrive on the Starbase tomorrow and I am hoping to get some prime real estate for my Marines, away from civilians.
Well computer I am off to the gym, Computer end Personal Log.