Created by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea on Sun May 18th, 2014 @ 11:29am
The two main armories are located in restricted area on Decks 74 (Marine Armory) and 578 (Security Department Ancillary Armory). Both main armories are kept under constant guard. The rooms are sealed with level 10 forcefields and can only be accessed by personnel with Level-4 or above security clearance granted by the Command staff , Marine Commanding Officer, or Chief of Security. Inside the armories are work areas for maintenance and repair of phasers as well as multiple sealed weapons lockers. There are also several other smaller armories and weapons lockers located in various locations across the ship. The Celestial Class starbase holds enough type-I and type-II phasers to arm the entire crew. Type-III phaser rifle and the new compression phaser rifles are available as well, but only in enough numbers to arm approximately 1/2 of the crew. Heavy ordnance is available to outfit the entire marine company in their respective roles.
Armory Inventory includes:
150000 Type-I Phasers
150000 Type-II Phaser pistols
85000 Type-III Phaser rifles
85000 Type-IIIc Compression Phaser rifles
18000 Mk23 Rifle Mounted Grenade Launchers
18000 M16a ADAR Rocket Launchers
14560 Marine Carbine Phaser Mk1s
14560 Marine Phaser Rifle Mk17s
14560 TR-110 Ballistic Hand Gun
14560 TR-119-"Shotgun"
14560 TR-116-"Bullpup" CBQ Ballistic Rifles with APF (antipersonnel Flechette), HE (High Explosive), Incendiary, Electrically Charged Stun, and HEAP (High Explosive Armor Piercing) Rounds
14560 TR-116a Ballistic Rifles with APF (antipersonnel Flechette), HE (High Explosive), Incendiary, Electrically Charged Stun, and HEAP (High Explosive Armor Piercing) Rounds
14560 Ballistic Assault Weapons
14560 Mark 24 Personal Single Shot Grenade Launcher
14560 Mark 25 Personal Revolving Grenade Launchers
14560 Isomagnetic Disintegrators
14560 Squad Assault Weapon Phasers
14560 Mark 16 Disposable Missile Launchers (26280 Anti-Air, 26280-Anti Armor)
14560 Mark 17 Multi-role Missile Launchers
14560 40mm Light Infantry Mortars with Shrapnel, Time Delay Shrapnel, ILUM, High Explosive, and Time Delay High Explosive Shells (75360 each)
14560 80mm Medium Mortars with Shrapnel, Time Delay Shrapnel, ILUM, High Explosive, and Time Delay High Explosive Shells (75360 each)
The following Missiles are available: 430000 Anti-Air, 430000 Anti-Armor, 240000 Anti-Sensor
The following Grenades are available: 160000 Fragmentation, 300000 High explosive/armor piercing, 600000 Flechette, 600000 Flashbang 480000 Concussion, 400000 Illumination, 400000 Smoke
The following Demolition Charges are available: 260000 500g Light Demolitions Charges, 260000 500g Breaching Charges, 280000 1kg Demolitions Charges, 280000 5-15kg Satchel Charges and Charge Carriers
The following Mines are available: 280000 M-98 (Mine type 98) Anti-Personnel Mine, 240000 HM-131 (Heavy Mine type 131) Anti-Personnel Mine, 240000 AVM-8 (Anti-vehicular Mine type 8)
Personnel Phasers range in power settings from 1 (Light-Stun) to 16 (Atomize).
The ships inventory also includes 4220 Margos and 3220 Argos, plus numerous other ground vehicles (plus the following either mounted or in storage: 15400 Type IV Phaser Cannons, 15400 Type V Phaser Cannons, and 15400 TR-133 Cannons), and 15400 Adaptable Drone Combat Support Systems with the following systems: 59200 Reaver (Anti-armour) Modules, 59200 Mouse (Scout) Modules, 59200 Basilisk (Fire Support) Modules, and 59200 Hellhound (Sentry) Modules)
Categories: Armories