Crisis Management 101
Posted on Thu Sep 25th, 2014 @ 10:27pm by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Captain Jey Cleh & Captain Pete Samson & Master Chief Petty Officer Allison Wilshire & Lieutenant Stacy Pierce
Location: Conference Room Ops-2
Timeline: One hour after Lost Contact
Jane was the first to arrive at the conference room, she was not surprised, after all she was dealing with Starfleet officers. Jane was use to dealing with senior officers and was prepared to say her bit on behalf of her Captain, she also knew her place, so she got busy and started to put out jugs of water and glasses, biscuits and of course coffee and tea. She then stood easy awaiting the arrival of the officers.
Lizzy was next to enter the room. She had the Tricorder in hand that she had been working on in Ops an hour before, and was now scanning herself with it to see if she had managed to fix it. She closed the Tricorder as she took a seat near the head of the table, not yet noticing the woman who was standing at ease in the room. Fixing tricorders was getting easy. If these were that easy to fix, the rest of the medical equipment on the station couldn't be that much harder. She finally noticed the woman standing there looking at her. "You're awfully quiet." She said, not wanting the woman to know that she hadn't even been noticed.
Jane looked at the Captain, the way only a warrant officer can and said "Yes Ma'am." She was not one for small talk and turned bsck to look out the window again. She knew very little about what was going on, but she knew that Captain Sampson had already left with five of her Marines and a further 20 were on standby.
Susan entered the room and quickly headed to her seat, giving both officers a quick nod before setting about the task of organizing all of the PADDs that she had entered with. She had the unenviable task of assigning all of the enlisted personnel...some of whom had yet to even duty rosters associated with their planned response scenarios. Which plan would be implemented all depended on what they found out in the next few hours, but she had to have contingencies for all of them.
Stacy walked in a few moments later and took the seat next to Wilshire, happy to see a familiar face in the room. A quick moment of eye contact and the briefest of smiles exchanged was all the two long-time friends needed in the way of greeting. There would be ample time for discussion later.
Kathleen walked into the room, set down her own stack of PADDs, and began without preamble. "OK, folks. This is going to move rather quickly, so any questions or concerns that you have, this is the time to speak up. We have had an event occur on Taranok IV. At this time, while there is no sound data, all indications are that we are probably dealing with either a major natural disaster, such as a asteroid strike, or a man made event. Either way, we have to assume two things. One...they will need all of the help they can get immediately, and will be an issue. To what extent on either scenario, hopefully we will have more specific data within a few hours. As for now, I want to start to develop a response plan for both."
Without thinking about it, Lizzy spoke up next, sort of continuing the briefing seamlessly. "The squadron of fighters, and shuttles we launched earlier should reach the system within a few hours at most." She explained to the group of people, who were now looking at her. "Until then, all theories are just speculation. In the meantime, the best thing everyone can do is focus on working together to be ready for whatever that squadron finds... Questions?"
Jane took an empty seat around the table and reported "Captain Samson has two teams with him and four drivers, in each team he has a medic and a combat engineer. The Captain prefers small but versatile teams, half the remaining Marines will be ready to deploy in 30 minutes and will be awaiting orders, we also have 300 Federation Security Officers ready to deploy. This will leave us with enough Marines and Federation Security Officers to secure the starbase."
"Good." Lizzy replied, hearing this. Unknown to her, Kathleen, Rosaleen, and a few others in the higher positions had been observing her actions, and knowledge. The real Captain Cleh knew very little about combat, and had a far more positive attitude in all cases. If it kept up, she would end up forced into an even worse position. "We need to get some medical teams together, in case medical relief is needed... which it probably will be."
"I'm putting in the order for a mass casualty task force to be dispatched immediately. Their destination will be here first. I don't want to send a bunch of docs into a firestorm." Kathleen glanced at the PADD to her right for a quick moment. "We need to start thinking about how we are going to protect both the Medical and the Corps of Engineers teams once we deploy them. Additionally, this is going to be the main hub for all supplies and materials being sent for the response. I have a meeting later today with the Cerberus folks about streamlining that process."
"Ma'am I can have fifty Marines with basic medical training that we can add to your medical team. They can both assist with medical issues and physical security of the medical staff if you wish?"
"Do it." Lizzy gave the order before Kathleen could reply. She looked at Kathleen. "We may not have time to wait for a task force to arrive, depending on what the actual situation is."
Kathleen was about to say something else, but was halted by the announcement that the CIC had received a report from the response group sent to Taranok IV. She tapped her commbadge. "I'm on my way." Closing the channel she picked up the PADDs that she had come in with. "We will continue this later. Stations."
Commodore Kathleen O'Shea
Commanding Officer
Starbase 80
Captain Jey Cleh
Executive Officer
Medical Systems Specialist
Starbase 80
MCPO Allison Wilshire
Chief of the Boat
Starbase 80
Petty Officer 2nd Class Stacy Pierce
Structural/Environmental Specialist
Corps of Engineers
Starbase 80
Chief Warrant Officer Jane King
First Sergeant-SFMC
Starbase 80
1st Lieutenant Adam Connolly Mr
Marine Executive Officer
Starbase 80