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Marine Search and Rescue

Posted on Wed Aug 13th, 2014 @ 10:39pm by Captain Pete Samson & Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Commander Eliana Masters & Lieutenant Commander Rosaleen O'Donnell

Mission: New Frontier
Location: Flight Operation

Pete had been on the Starbase for a while now. It was time for him to start getting his ideas from his mind into real life.

He arrived at the Director of Flight Operations Office. He had made an appointment to see Commander Masters earlier that day.

Pete approached an Ensign, "Captain Samson, I have an appointment to see Commander Masters."

"She is back in her office sir, the door is open."

The younger officer had just been in to see Eliana himself, no doubt seeking guidance further up the command chain on some decision or another he felt was outside of his call. There was no doubt that Masters had told him to exercise his discretion and good judgement and if that had failed to resolve the situation, it might have drawn a raised eyebrow or two from the El Aurian.

Luckily, that didn't seem to be the case and Ellie was in good spirits by the time that Pete made it into her office. Recently reconstructed, the department had made returning their workspace to full working capacity a priority since returned to the station, and it was beginning to pay dividends. For what it was worth, Eliana had never had a better workplace. Views of the hangar floor below along with a worktable and more displays keeping track of the logistics keeping the whole place together were scattered throughout.

"Still doesn't beat the flight deck," Masters muttered under breath.

"What's that?"

A member of operations was lingering about her office, no doubt about to ask for heaven and earth to be moved by some ridiculous deadline.

"Nothing. Now what is it that you need," Ellie's attention was buried in the flight schedules for the upcoming week.

"Uh, I just, um, wanted to see if you wanted to grab a cup of coffee or something later. You know, socialize a bit?"

This, of course, made her look up.

He was not a particularly unattractive individual, but the timing was all wrong. A mop of brown hair, he could easily pass for upper twenties and obviously had the ambition and drive to hold an officer's rank this early in his career. The way she saw it, Eliana had two options, neither of which led to a date over coffee.

"I'm afraid I must politely decline, thanks. Things are just. . .too busy for me to think personally at the moment. I hope you understand," Masters replied, going for the subtle route.

"I do understand. Sorry for bothering you."

A quick spin and he was gone. Almost too quickly in fact, considering he brushed shoulders with a captain from the Marines as he exited the office. Muttering some unintelligible apology profusely, he disappeared around the corner, leaving only Pete and Eliana behind.

Pete stood to attention and saluted, Pete always saluted a higher rank officer, he never expected a returned salute from a Federation officer. Pete however could not hide his smile, he was impressed with the officers balls and could see why he would ask the Commander out. Another beautiful woman on-board this starbase.

"Commander, Marine Captain Samson I was hoping to gain your support and talk about the Marine troop carriers."

"Captain," Eliana had learned to salute over the past four decades. Marines were steeped in a culture based on respect, something that she herself could respect and follow. At first, the question was whether or not it seemed offensive for a line officer to salute a marine, but a candid talk over a few drinks one night a few decades ago had answered that question.

"Please, make yourself comfortable," she addressed the marine. "What is it exactly that I can do for you?"

"I believe that this area could do with a Marine Search and Rescue team, as the Director of Flight Operations I need your support to ensure we get a team."

"Search and rescue? Forgive me, I was under the impression that the marines had their own pilots and equipment for such an operation."

"Yes Ma'am you are right. But we have not been advised that we are getting such a team. I believe that they will be invaluable. As former Rescue Pilot i know how well trained they are. As Flight Director you will clearly have input on Marine Pilots I am hoping with your support and that of the Commander we will get a team. With us being frontier post, I believe they will be very busy. I need to ensure that the starbase has the best."

Eliana paused for a moment. She had never realized the broad reaches that her department would have once it reached its full operating potential. Although the marines would have their own equipment and personnel at some point, if they needed help, who else would they call except for their fellow flyboys and flygirls?

"We're quickly returning to normal around here. I need to know how many people and how many ships you need and we can probably make it happen. We're reclaiming equipment as fast as we can, you'll have nothing but the best."

"Commander, I would like three C-490 Argo, they are a very versatile ship and my Marine Engineers can convert them into Search and Rescue ships. I am going to request a full time team of Marines supported by volunteers both from within the Marines and competent Starfleet officers. When I submit my report to Marine HQ for the team it would be nice to add your name."

"Three Argos is a big ask, but I think I can make this happen. Especially considering the cause it's going towards, I would be happy to put my name behind something like that. It would be a win-win for both of us, because if you get your full team, I can reassign the pilots that I'm going to have to put on this team to other places where they're needed," Masters gestured over to the display on the wall that showed the current roster. "You aren't the only ones who are spread thin."

"You can say that again Commander. I am going to see if I can speak to the Commodore, I need her approval and then I am sure I will get the team. Thanks for your help Ma'am and if there is anything you need from me or my Marines just let me know." Pete stood to attention and saluted, he left the Commander to her busy work load, which he is sure that he added to.


Commodore's Office.

Pete had not seen Lieutenant Rosaleen since the date. It had not gone well and he had been avoiding her, however he needed to see the Commodore. He had not presented himself to the CO and he also wanted to talk with her about getting the Search and Rescue team.

Pete walked into Lieutenant O'Donnel's office. "Good afternoon Lieutenant, I was wondering when the Commodore would be available to see me?" Straight to the point he thought was best.

Rosaleen's smile could have warmed the coldest reaches of space. "Well hello, stranger! How have you been? Hopefully you are getting everything settled in ok."

Pete was glad to see that Rosaleen was happy to see him, "Yes I am all settled in, I have had an excellent First Sergeant attached to my Battalion and he thinks like me." Pete returned the smile. "I was wondering if I could book an appointment to see the Commodore. I have important business to talk with her, and I have heard rumors." Pete looked at Rosaleen and raised his eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh there are always so many rumors floating around. What is it this time? Tribbles for dinner?"

"I heard something about the Chief Security Officer being called back to Earth, treason is what I heard and then I have heard that the new Chief of Security maybe wearing green." Pete new it was only rumors and probably not true, but if he was placed in charge of Security it would do wonders for his carer, if done well.

"Just rumors I am sure. So when is the Commodore free? I want to see if she will support my application for a team of Marine Search and Rescue being posted to my Battalion."

"Well, actually she is sitting right behind that door doing nothing more exciting than reviewing personnel files. She would welcome the distraction." Kathleen had already let her know that she was free for appointments for the next few hours.

"Well no time like the present." Pete flattened his uniform and ensured his boots were still shiny. Pete walked over to the door, "should I knock?"

"No need, Captain." He had neither heard the door open nor her approach. The woman standing before him had the same red hair as Rosaleen...the same fact her basic physical features were almost a mirror of Rosaleen's. But her presence was much stronger. He could sense it instantly...this woman was powerful. And possibly quite dangerous as well. But at the moment she was all smiles and warmth. She extended a hand toward Pete. "Commodore Kathleen O'Shea."

Pete stood to a crisp attention and saluted. "Marine Captain Sampson pleasure to meet you Ma'am." "Do you have some time spare. I would like to put an idea through you."

Kathleen gave Rosaleen a secretive glance and smiled. "Easy there, you are going to hurt your self. I'm only formal when formality calls for it." She walked over and extended her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Pete did relax, but only a little. He shook the Commander's hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you Commander."

"As it is mine as well. Please...come and have a seat." She moved back to her desk, indicating a chair as she walked by it.

Pete followed the Commander into her office and took a seat in the offered seat. "Ma'am I was hoping to get your approval for a Marine Search and Rescue team. Being where we are, I think we need are own team. The full time team can be supported by volunteers from the Marine Corps and Starfleet."

Not even a moments hesitation. "No problem at all, Captain. We used to have a similar team aboard the Merlin, although it was rather small. Still...quite effective and useful." She smiled at him quietly for a moment. "Now, what was it you really wanted to discuss?"

"Commander, I have heard some rumors, something about the Chief of Security having to leave and maybe me taking on extra responsibilities." Pete did not like rumors and liked to sort them out by being direct.

So that was it...amazing how fast word traveled on a place as big as this. "It's not a rumor, Captain. He departed this morning with his go team. Essentially that leaves us with a bunch of forensics and investigative experts arriving soon with no real leadership. I can handle that, but what I need is a team that can actually protect the station and it's personnel. With our mission scope here, I think that the roll falls better into the realm of the Marines than it does Security."

"Ma'am if I may put forward a suggest?"

Kathleen smiled. "I doubt that I could stop you."

Pete mind was going into overdrive. This was a perfect opportunity to show what he was made off.

"Marines are well suited to Security work, but not throughout a station with civilians. I would love the opportunity to be both Marine CO and Chief of Security on board. I have taken the opportunity of reviewing the Security Officers being sent and one of them is a Vulcan, a Lieutenant T'Lania, she has lots of investigation skills, she would become my Deputy and mainly deal with the investigations. I know unusual, but not heard off and I believe this will work well for both you and I."

Kathleen was quiet for a moment, several thoughts running through her mind. "I'll have to kick that one up the chain for guidance. And honestly, everything related to actual security matters will be shopped out to your shop. Security, as it stands, is only going to comprise of the investigative and forensics units, and under Starfleet JAG proceedings I think...and only think at this time...that those areas have to be run by Fleet personnel." She could see the spark in Pete's eyes dim a bit. "I don't know if that is absolute though, so we will see. But do not be do have total control over security as far as maintaining the peace goes, plus some investigative duties as well. Your suggestion has plenty of merit. I'm just not sure of the legals."

"Understood Ma'am, I will await your decision, I must go and discuss this all with my team." Pete stood to attention. "Permission to leave?"

Pete thought that went well, he was hopeful for his idea, but glad he had support for his search and rescue.

"By all means, Captain. And door is always open."

Pete saluted and left the office. He smiled as Rosaleen as he headed to Marine Country.


Marine Captain Pete Samson
Commanding Officer Marine Corps
New Frontier Station


Commodore Kathleen O'Shea
Commanding Officer
New Frontier Station


Commander Eliana Masters
Director of Flight Operations
New Frontier Station


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