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Posted on Fri May 30th, 2014 @ 3:06pm by Lieutenant Alexander Trebe MD

Mission: New Frontier
Location: CMO's Office
Timeline: Current

After his very unusual meeting with the Lieutanent O'Donnell, Alex thought he would his back in the game and get alittle work done before Nate's transport arrived. The Medical Bay seemed to be a buzz of activity with alot of staff that Alex didn't know. There are alot of new people to learn. How will I ever learn who all these people are?

As he turned to enter the office, he found a tall blond crewman standing at his desk laying out several PADD. He was startled as Alexander entered the room. "Is there a reason your in my office, Petty Officer?"

"Sorry, Sir. I wasn't expecting to be back so soon."

"Well, that is obvious, but it doesn't answer my questions, does it?"

"I have been assigned as your yeoman. I'm Petty Officer Elliott Helmsworth." He reached out to shake hands with the doctor. "I was trying to get status updates and shift reports out on your desk before you came in." He picked up one of the PADD that he had left on the desk and went to hand the doctor the PADD.

"A Yeoman? Who assigned me a Yeoman?"

"The Personnel Officer, Sir. I was told the Commodore's office put in the request." This explained why the doctor was sensing all this anxiety from the Petty Officer.

"Well... that was thoughtful of them." He took the PADD and started to read over it, "So what is this?"

"All the Medical facilities here at base have been exceptionally busy night, Sir. The clinic has been inundated with patients with a strain of the Levodian Flu. I left the report on that on your desk. I also wanted to mention that there are several patients in the OR after a robbery gone bad on the promenade. The report list multiple patients penetrating trauma as well as disruptor blast. There are also two dead from that same incident."

"And no one thought to notify me?" Alexander headed over to his chair and grabbed the lab coat from the chair and put it on.

"I don't think most of the staff knew you were on station, Dr. Trebe." This was Elliott's first assignment as a Yeoman and he was eager to do a good job. "I hope he doesn't think this is my fault."

"Nevermind." Alex show his head as if to shake the unwanted train of thought out of his head. "That is a discussion for later today and no I am not holding you responsible for that. Lets talk and walk."

With the Yeoman close on his heals. "Take me to the surgical bays so I can get an update and then to the clinic so I can see patients if need be."

"Yes, Sir." The Yeoman tried to stay side by side with the doctor, but he had trouble keeping up with the doctor's pace without looking like he was trying to keep up. Walking and talking and using a PADD were going to be skills he needed to work on if he was going to keep pace in the future.

"Also, I need you to get a Department meeting on the calendar sooner rather then later." The yeoman stopped just short of the doors to the surgical bay. Alex had a look of bewilderment when Elliott stopped. "Um... Im not a doctor, sir, or even a nurse. I'm not really suppose to..."

"You go where I go right now, Petty Officer. And right now I am going in there." The doors parted and Alex stopped at the nursing station got an updates on the 4 patients in surgery.

"Looks like there are only two that I need to check on. You can stay here, Yeoman." He donned surgical scrubs and went into OR 3 which from the reports appeared to be the worst of the patients. As the doors to the bay opened, the first thing he noticed was that the patient was a Nausicaan. He froze in place for a moment before turning around and leaving. He walked back to where he had left the Yeoman who was now chatting up the nurse.

"Take me to the clinic." He didn't change back into his duty uniform instead chosing to remove the surgical cowl and masking and proceeding to the clinic.

"But Sir, there is another patient you wanted to..."

"The clinic... now"

That was all the encouragement he needed to proceed as ordered to the clinic. As they walking briskly towards the clinic, Alex stopped quickly and too a PADD from the Yeoman. He tapped in some information and handed it back.

"While I am seeing patients in the clinic, I want you to meet this Marine when his transport lands and make sure he gets to the Marine barracks. Let him know as soon as I get done here, I will contact him to make some dinner plans."

"Will do, Sir."


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