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Times a'Changing

Posted on Wed Mar 19th, 2014 @ 8:31am by Lieutenant Vilgi Morr & Commodore Kathleen O'Shea

Mission: New Frontier
Location: Starbase 343: Main Lounge

A Bolian sat in a semi crowded lounge, alone with a cup of Bolian spice tea that was just going cold on the small table before him. He held in his hands a PADD, with technical information part of his catch up program. But although he looked he was not reading. Vilgi never expected to feel so lost when it came to a reassignment, but the Merlin seemed like more then a ship, it had become home. Still a new assignment meant an opportunity to make a bigger difference to this sector, if he could drag his mind out of the past that is.

"Why the long face, my friend?" Kathleen approached the table and took a seat. "I know I have been a bit secretive about our new assignment, but trust will not be disappointed." Kathleen had just received the final orders for her new command. Several of the crew had opted to transfer with her, even though they had no idea what the assignment would be, or what kind of ship they were being assigned to. "We aren't being put on a garbage scow, Vilgi. In fact...I think that you will like your new home. And we get to stay in the Frontier...bonus!"

"Boss, just contemplating As sentimental as it sounds leaving the Merlin feels like leaving home all over again." Vilgi responded after the all to familiar voice of Kathleen reached his ear and dragged him back to the here and now. "But even if it was to go run a garbage scow I'd be going anyway, you know me an me word. But it is good to know it's not anyway."  He palmed the side of the cup of tea in front of him, cold, he glanced to see if a server was kicking around. "Can I get you anything? An' then I wouldn't mind a few more details, you've got me intrigued, if you can of course."

Her eyes glistened. "Actually I can, as we will be headed out soon. Now I have been told not to expect too much, as a lot of work is needed. They gave me Starbase 80."

Vilgi eyes widened a little at the news, he hadn't expected a starbase posting at this point. Especially as the frontier was still at a critical point. But orders were orders, also there was something nagging him about starbase 80. "Wasn't eighty one of the hot spots the fighting in this sector? I guess that's what you mean by a bit of work, it took a bit of hit?"

"Yes, it did. But we will have a bit of help with the work. You see...Starbase 80 is to be home to Starfleets newest Corps of Engineers Division. Not only that, there are several civilian contractors and companies that will have offices and facilities on the station, including Cerberus Logistics."

"I think those two words are about my favourites." Vilgi responded referring of course to Cerberus and Logistics. "So we're getting fleet resources at our disposal and factory support from the contractors, that's good should give us the means and flexibility to make this a success." He added with a nod of his head starting to relish the prospect of a major overhaul of a base. "As we're the base for the CoE effort I assume we will be spreading our influence."

"You could say that. The Federation wants to tame the Frontier." She cooled as she spoke. "A lot of blood has already been lost over this area of space. I don't suspect it will be the last. But somehow Starfleet thinks we can actually make this a viable home for the masses. We shall see. will like this. I managed to procure us a few toys. Instead of the usual boring ships that one gets with a base, I managed to get us assigned a pair of Aerie Class medium duty transports, and a Curry Class heavy one. All are going to be upgraded to function with the Cerberus System. And it would appear that there are some pretty big modules that we never even knew existed."

Vilgi nodded at the basic brief for there assignment to the starbase and the Corps of Engineers division. It was ambitious and no doubt dreamed up by an Admiral back on earth after reading over reports, it certainly felt that way. But Vilgi was fast becoming to view the Frontier as home, for all his bitterness towards the upper elements of command, he believed in the mission of Starfleet and that it should extend every effort to protect the vulnerable and provide safe harbor for the masses.

His ears priced up at the mention of the Aerie-Class particularly, as well as the Curry-Class, "My friend how you managed to pull that, but i couldn't ask for two better ships. The Aerie should be much more widely used than it is, its compact design makes it very easy to handle and gives it excellent range, the module nature of the redesign should make conversation to the Cerberus System easier." He beamed as he spoke more than pleased he was being given the correct tools for the job. Already thing of how to modify the craft in question to suit there needs. "The Curry as well, compacted version of the already rugged and tested Excelsior-Class, a proper workhorse and provide itself reliable even under combat conditions. Even so I think we can make it better, I'm thinking gut the secondary hull and aside from a few permanent fixture, we should treat it like a super size 11th. Ooh if I could rig a few sections with holo-emiters, that would make it even more flexible and speed up deployment times."

"We shall see, my friend. One step at a time though. We will have to look at the craft loadout though before heading out. I will be making that trip with her. You, however, will be headed out as soon as you can get a craft. Your orders are already generated...I need that station flight-ops capable as soon as possible."

"Of course, the base will have the most flexible and manageable set up in the sector soon enough. I know a deuterium tanker or two are moored on the outer ports. I bet one of them is headed either to or close enough to 80 that I can hitch a lift. As for the craft load out for the Curry class, let's see what they got and what we need."

A soft chime sounded on Kathleen's commbadge. She sighed. "Another meeting. I swear that I am not going to call one again for months once I get back out there." A lie, and she knew it...but frustration was starting to set in a bit. "Keep in touch, and anything you need...and I mean anything, you let me know straight away." She stood to leave. "You be careful out there, my friend."

Vilgi grinned and chuckled at the no meeting comment. But took on board the offer, one he knew to be more than genuine, of putting a call in if needed. "I'll do my best but trouble seems to follow us lot around. I will keep you apprised of developments on the station, and your on speed comm." He said with his customary grin as his commanding officer and friend made a move to depart. "Keep you chin up my friend, you'll soon be back where you belong."

Lt. Commander Vilgi Morr
Director of Logistics, CoE
Starbase 80


Commodore Kathleen O'Shea
Commanding Officer
Starbase 80


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