Runabout Check-In
Posted on Sat Apr 25th, 2015 @ 12:58am by Lieutenant Morgan Faye & Lieutenant Hailey Carter
The Ancient Art of Operations
Location: Runabout & Starbase 80
Timeline: Post 7 - Communication Anomaly
Name - Communication Anomaly | Code - OT:01 | Post - 07
Lt. Carter wondered over to a communication console. She took a seat. Her mind wondering back to the events in the Chief's office. She was confused by the whole scenario, and she had number of questions but she had her orders and there would be time to ask all the right questions. She hailed the runabout that was out chasing communication ghosts.
A few seconds after she hailed the runabout Morgan appeared on the screen in front of her. Morgan smiled at Hailey. "Hey, I was just about to call you."
Hailey smiled back. The two women met when Morgan came to the Starbase to take the position of Assistant Chief Operations Officer. Hailey had been hopeful that she would get it but it wasn't meant to be. Hailey was disappointed but she didn't allow it show nor affect her relationship with Morgan. "I know." Hailey responded.
"I take it that this isn't just a social call..?" The smile had faded away from Morgan's face. She had a feeling that something wasn't right.
"No, it isn't." Hailey responded. "Commander Mackenzie has returned from the planet. He wanted to know how things were going and when should we be expecting you back?"
"Ah! He is a worrier." Morgan joked.
Hailey nodded. "Indeed, he is."
"We have been able to retrieve a sufficient amount of data from the device inside the array. From our analysis of the data we have been able to identify that the device was being used to eavesdrop on us. It was collecting all transmissions from and to and then it would transmit them." Morgan report.
"Transmit them where and to whom?" Hailey asked.
"Well, we don't know to whom. That's the million dollar question." Morgan responded.
"That's a shame." Hailey stated as she leaned back in her seat with a sigh.
"Well, we might not know to whom but we do know where." Morgan said with excitement. "It appears that the device was set up to activate every 24 hours. That is what we were detecting. The device was sending this information to a nearby moon. We are heading there now to investigate."
"Are you sure that is wise...?" Hailey asked with a concerned look on her face.
Morgan chuckled. "Probably not, but whoever did this was smart. They knew exactly what they were doing. If we had waited to report back, and wait for a decision to be made it would have given them enough time to hide whatever is on that moon. However, like this we might catch them in the act."
Hailey nodded. She didn't like it but Morgan had a point. "Understood." She paused taking a deep breath. "Just be careful."
"We will try." Morgan responded.
"You know, he will not be happy about this..." Hailey stated.
Morgan nodded. "I know, but under the circumstances it's the best course of action. Plus, I will make it up to him." She laughed. "Somehow..."
Hailey laughed as well shaking her head. "Alright, I will update him. Keep us updated."
Morgan nodded. "Will do. See ya."
"See you soon." Hailey said her byes and then cut the channel. She took a deep breath looking over her shoulder to the Chiefs office. "This isn't going to be fun..." She said to herself.
Lt. Morgan Faye
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
Starbase 80
Lt. Hailey Carter
Operations Officer
Starbase 80