Dark Turn of Events
Posted on Sat Mar 14th, 2015 @ 12:19am by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea & Commander Andrew Matheson
Location: Taranok IV---Forward Base of Operations
The Edison Class courier has brought the unannounced visitor to the base just before dawn. She immediately made her way to the communications tent, where she locked everybody out for over an hour. Although she was dressed as a civilian, her credentials allowed for this, and her mission was considered one of the highest priority.
She finally unlocked the door and turned the facility back over to the techs. As she walked away from the tend, she activated her wrist-mounted comm unit. "Commander Matheson, please report to the Bettina's conference room."
Andrew pulled himself out of his PADDs and began to head towards the conference room. Before he left his office, he asked the computer to identify the sender of the transmission as he did not immediately recognize the voice.
"Identity not on record. Communications link protocol is Federation Council Discrete."
That brought him up short. The last time he'd dealt with someone whose identity had not been on record, Rosaleen had gotten shot. He'd vaguely heard of that communications protocol before, but not in any way he could concretely identify. Those being the facts, there was really only one conversation he could have next. Turning to his wall communicator, he called for a secure communications protocol and attempted to contact the Commodore.
"O'Shea here. What's up, Commander?"
"I just got a summons to the Bettina's conference room. Identity of sender unknown, I don't recognize the voice, and the comm link protocol came back as Federation Council Discrete. The last time I dealt with an unknown person on this planet Rosaleen got shot, so I reasoned I should see if you wanted or needed to be in this loop."
There was a lengthy pause before Kathleen answered. "Keep me updated. And...do what you need to do."
"Yes ma'am. Matheson out."
Looks like another quiet morning on Taranok. Fantastic. Andrew made sure his phaser was at his hip, fully charged, and otherwise operational. As he headed for the Bettina's conference room, he reached out with his passive senses trying to get a bead on what was going on - and trying to see if anyone was trying to get a bead on him.
When he got there, he keyed the door open from the side and took a look around.
The very first thing that Andrew noticed was the crimson dress the woman wore...it matched her hair. But it was the manner in which she moved that stood out the most. The fluidity of it was like...
"Thank you for your quick response, Commander. We have much to discuss. Please...have a seat." She indicated the chair that he should occupy as she move to sit opposite of it."
He smiled disarmingly as he moved to the chair. "Lucky coincidence, my office happened to be nearby." His black eyes flashed. "I believe you have the advantage of me, Miss..." He took in her form and appearance, noting an object on her wrist which he didn't instantly recognize. The definitely civilian garb was not what he had been expecting given the Federation Council connection.
"McCarthy. I am with the Council Protectorate." She read his eyes as she spoke. "We are a new charter. We enforce the Councils interests. Which is why I am here." She pulled out a PADD and activated the record function. "Has your team made any headway with the planetary leadership as far as membership is concerned?"
The smile on his face stopped reaching his eyes. "Diplomatic affairs of the Federation are almost always classified to civilian personnel, Miss McCarthy. I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist on seeing that new charter and any related credentials before I am legally permitted to think about discussing that." He blinked, and while his eyes were closed he reinforced his mental barriers.
She reached into the pouch that lay on the table and pulled out an additional PADD. "I assure you that everything is in order...and that my clearance far outreaches yours." A soft smile graced her features, but her eyes were like cold steel.
He held out a hand to take the PADD. "If it is, and if it does, then the conversation isn't a problem. However, having taken the same oath regarding Federation classified material that I very devoutly hope you've been required to take in order to get that clearance, you know I'm still required to verify that first."
As he read, he spoke. "Computer, prepare an isolated memory sector for validation of security credentials." While the computer set that up, he began to read the contents of the PADD.
He saw she wasn't joking. In fact he doubted that Kathleen's clearance was as high as the woman's across the table. "We have much that needs discussed. The Council is on a strict timetable."
He took a deep breath. He was not about to get rattled by this... bureaucrat. "With regards to Federation membership, there IS no such thing as a strict timetable. It has always been case by case based on the cultures involved." He suspected he was not going to like this Council Protectorate concept in the slightest. He continued reading. "How did you get out here, anyway? It's not like there are pleasure liners out here, and I should have been notified if diplomatic personnel were arriving."
"I have my own craft that has been coded strictly for my use. Now...I'll ask you again. What progress have you made with the Planetary government?" Her eyes moved as she gauged his body language.
He continued reading over the information on the PADD before setting it on the desktop. Be as stone. "Miss McCarthy, I will remind you again that I am required to validate your credentials before I have that conversation. Are there security countermeasures or otherwise hostile code contained on this PADD that will impair or interfere with the ship computer systems if I submit its contents to digital validation?" One breath. "Computer, please list all registry information on any vessels recorded as arriving at Taranok IV in the last twenty-four hours."
"All countermeasures have been disengaged, and by the way that you are stalling for time I will take it that you have made no progress since your arrival. This is...unfortunate." She paused to make a notation on the PADD in front of her. "I understand that there are active hostilities here, but that should not detract from your primary mission. In fact, it should be a catalyst for negotiation."
He looked at the registry information. "Computer, using previously prepared isolated memory sector, copy the information from the PADD on the table directly in front of me and subject to digital validation procedures." He smiled sweetly. "This should only take a couple minutes, Miss McCarthy. If proper protocol had been followed on your arrival, this would already have been of record and I wouldn't have to spend time on it now."
"I'm sorry, Commander...but are you under the mistaken impression that we are operating on your timetable?" The coldness of her voice was like sharp steel. "A decision needs to be made in order to protect Federation assets in the best and most efficient manner, and it needs to be made soon."
"Miss McCarthy, if you actually know what my impression is right now, you are in violation of Federation Code, Section 175, Subsection B. The right to mental privacy is an inalienable right of all Federation citizens and shall not be abrogated without due process of law. If you don't know what my impression is, I am required to remind you - again - that I am not legally permitted to discuss diplomatic matters of the Federation until your credentials have been verified. The Seventh Guarantee protects my silence until your credentials are verified, since answering those questions would incriminate me if you are not authorized to possess those answers."
She smiled a cold smile. "I don't have any psi ability, I assure you. And...it's completely unnecessary." She leaned back in her chair. "No wonder the Diplomatic Corps has failed on a regular basis over the years. You folks can be read like an open book. It's about time the Council changed things up."
There wasn't a question in there, so Andrew didn't feel particularly compelled to reply. He did note the change in tactics from political browbeating to ad hominem attacks, but since the only thing that engaging in a discourse about the Diplomatic Corps would accomplish would be to piss him off as she remained wonderfully and willfuly obtuse and opaque he let it go for the time being. "I'm being an atrocious host at the moment. Would you like me to get you something from the replicator while the computer does its work?"
At that point, things clicked. Fire red hair, fiery red dress, ungodly hour of the morning... He ruthlessly clamped down on that line of thought in case her statement about psi ability was just as much non-validated garbage as everything else she'd currently offered to the situation.
"No, thank you." She studied him silently for a long, cold minute. "So while we wait, tell me...what is your personal, non-classified opinion of the Tarakans?
He studied her right back, being careful to stay well inside his own head after that speech about the Federation Code. "The ones that I've met seem rather determined and stoic. I've certainly met people I've liked less."
"How about the rest of the races in this region. This...Frontier of yours. What do they really bring to the table for the Federation?" She had leaned back in her chair now, and...seriously...put her feet up on the table. She looked relaxed.
Andrew knew otherwise.
"Every species has something to offer to OUR Federation. Cultural diversity and alternate worldviews are always worthwhile to explore as a pathway to greater knowledge and understanding. Sometimes there's unfortunate collision with the walls of the box the Federation defines as 'acceptable membership qualities', but it doesn't mean we shouldn't respect them and try to understand them." He chuckled. "Remembering some of our earliest encounters with Andor and Tellar, sometimes we figure out that the box needs to be reconfigured."
Diane sighed loudly. "Yes, that's all good and well but...we expend so much for so little in return. Our military budget alone between the Fleet and the Marines...think of what we could do with those resources elsewhere. Earth could be a virtual paradise."
"I rather think Andor and Tellar would have strong opinions about terminating the Fleet in favor of beautifying Earth." Andrew chuckled. "I take the underlying point that altering the ratio of resource distribution alters the balance between social niceties and political security. But paradise planets are no defense against Tzenkethi marauders. And space that we have explored and exert influence over is space that we don't have to worry as much about being used against us by the Tholians, or the Breen..."
"That is simple. We retract the borders...thin the herd out. Make a strong defense zone with a select core worlds." She twirled her hand in the air. "This entire region is a great example. Other than a few resource zones like the Briar Patch, it's a waste of time and resources to even bother with. We should simply take that which we desire and leave the rest to continue to rot."
Andrew kept a neutral look on his face even as his stomach involuntarily churned. "I can hear the Vulcans lining up to repudiate that position from here. As to the position that resources are the only or primary thing that make a location have value, we're probably farther ahead to just agree to disagree on that point." One breath. "That said, since the Council sent a representative through a war zone with that opinion, I take it Taranok IV has something tangible that the Council wants."
"To be blunt, the Council no longer see's the need for continued operations here. They obviously do not want to be part of what we have managed to build over the centuries. Why should we waste any more lives and resources on them?"
He nodded. "That clarifies things." He looked over at the computer screen to check on the progress of the credential verification. "It does raise the question why you care about my progress with negotiations as opposed to, say, walking in the door with a Council mandate requiring our withdrawal from Taranok IV, though."
"I said they have expressed an opinion...not mandated. The President and some of the Council feel otherwise. So here I am on a fact-finding mission to see where we stand." She put her feet down and leaned across the table a bit. "One of your officers here...O'Donnell. Her father currently leads the faction in favor of continued involvement. It would be nice to speak to her as well while I am here."
Andrew shrugged casually. "You maintain I don't have the authority to stop you from calling her, and I don't have the rank to compel her to come. However, she's the commodore's assistant so it would probably be diplomatic to make sure the commodore doesn't object."
For the first time Diane smiled. "Commander, I wasn't making that an order or anything. More a thought out loud." She glanced at the computer. "So, have you decided I am who I say yet?"
"I didn't see anything that was obviously out of place, but I'm a Betazoid, not a Binar." He looked over at the computer screen as it displayed its findings.
"Now we can get down to business. Your report, please."
"Representatives from the government of Taranok IV were supposed to be arriving tomorrow for mediation. I haven't heard anything about changes to that timing, even in view of the recent attacks. I've been getting myself up to speed onthe situation, having assumed the chief diplomatic officer position from Starbase 80 in the last week and only having been back in the quadrant for the last two weeks." He went with a neutral and deferential tone, the better to convey that he was perfectly capable of cooperation now that the formalities were addressed.
"My only extended contact with Tarakan society has been in helping with relief efforts shortly after arrival; that was where the stoic and determined observation derived from. The general populace seems to be generally peaceable and orderly; they were willing to work with us to streamline relief efforts and set up the temporary housing. They may not have our level of technology, but they're certainly not simpletons."
"I guess the next question should be the obvious one. Do you think they will fall into line? This should have already been a done deal." And we wouldn't have needed to resort to all of this...
"My read on the situation is that the government representatives will be interested in going forward. If they weren't, I presume they would have gone to ground and canceled on us. The explosion definitely threw a spanner into the equation, but I don't think it's insurmountable."
"Maybe this will help with negotiations then." She pushed the PADD she had been working with toward Andrew. "The Council is giving them 72 hours starting at noon today to declare a formal membership request. If at that time they have not chosen to do so, the Federation will abandon all military operations, trade and commerce, diplomatic, and humanitarian aid missions as applicable to this world and the system it resides in. This has drawn out long enough...it end one way or another in 3 days."
Andrew placed this second PADD in the place where the first one had been. "Computer, encrypt current contents of the previously prepared isolated memory sector and append to diplomatic record Matheson Tee-Four-Gamma, voice verification required for decryption, password rotation Alpha-Six-Three. Then prepare an additional isolated memory sector for validation of Federation Council mandate. Current security credentials remain in effect. While preparing the additional isolated memory sector, please dispatch a Chi Prime diplomatic protocol request to the ranking officer on base."
He looked over at his guest. "I'm going to have to digitally validate this one too. Are there security countermeasures or otherwise hostile code contained on this PADD that will impair or interfere with the ship computer systems if I submit its contents to digital validation?" She could be annoyed all she wanted; this was protocol, and if anything went wrong in the aftermath it was less likely to be his neck.
'This man is an incompetent idiot. No wonder the Diplomatic Corps has been such a dismal failure. " It's a memo for goodness sake." Her annoyance was evident in her tone.
"If the personnel on this base can choose to follow the contents of the document, it's a memo. If the personnel of the base are required to follow the contents of the document, it's an order. And orders are subject to verification as per Starfleet protocols." He looked mildly apologetic. "Look at it from my point of view. If I don't verify it and wind up responsible for the unauthorized withdrawal of a Starfleet installation, followed by the re-establishment thereof, who do you think is going to get the bill and the court-martial - the person who handed me the orders that weren't orders, or the person who didn't make sure they were valid?" Emotion. At least we can rule out a surgically altered Vulcan.
"Whatever makes you feel better at the end of the day." McCarthy replied. She was tired of playing these games. "But it is a valid Council order, and it will be followed...or we will find somebody who is capable of handling affairs here properly. Seventy Two hours, Commander. Not a second longer."
"Since you prefer not to answer the question directly, I'll take it there's nothing harmful on here. Computer, using most recently prepared isolated memory sector, copy the information from the PADD on the table directly in front of me and subject to digital validation procedures." He looked at McCarthy. "Seventy-two Standard hours, starting from the local equivalent of noon today, and at the end of said time I either have to have a declared formal membership request or an announcement for us to get the hell out of here. I have in fact been listening to you, ma'am."
"I would hope so. It would be so inconvenient to have to arrest you while I am here." A thin smile...he knew she wasn't bluffing. "In the coming weeks, your entire corps will be transferred from Starfleet control to ours. We are going to fix this mess once and for all. We are going to make the Federation Core strong once again."
Andrew nodded as the computer reported an all-clear and no troublesome code on the PADD and its contents. That just left him the troublesome mandate. The upcoming crucifixion at the upcoming senior staff meeting would be pleasant, no doubt. "My entire corps as in my staff and I at Starbase 80, which I don't think is properly sized enough to be called a corps, or my entire corps as in the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps in its entirety?" Well, the command line training means I can trade purple for red as long as I'm willing to give up the commander pip, at least.
"In it's entirety. Finally you will be under proper supervision." She leaned back in the chair once again. "Time's are a changin', my friend. You need to get with the program if you want to make the cut."
"I'll bear that in mind. Thanks for your candor on the subject, ma'am." He slid the second PADD back over to her. "Computer, encrypt current contents of the second prepared isolated memory sector and append to diplomatic record Matheson Tee-Four-Gamma, voice verification required for decryption, password rotation Beta-Four-Nine." He then looked back up at her. "I don't suppose I could put you down as a character reference for the upcoming reorganization, then?"
"Let's just see what you are able to do here first. After all, seventy two hours is an eternity in diplomatic relations. Now then...this might be a perfect time to bring Commander O'Donnell in for a chat as well." Before Andrew could comment, she had already activated the comm system. "Computer, what is the current location of Commander O'Donnell."
There was a longer than usual pause. 'Commander O'Donnell is not currently with system range.'
The expression on Diane's face gave testament to her displeasure at the reply. "What is Commander O'Donnell's status?"
Another long pause. 'Unknown.'
She closed the link and turned to Andrew. "OK Commander. Where is she?"
He looked her square in the eye. "My best guess would have been in her quarters, given that alpha watch doesn't stand to for another hour yet. However, the computer seems to have ruled that one out. I'd assume the person most likely to know anything further about this is the commodore, though Ops or Security might know if she signed out a vehicle or took a walk out past the perimeter." Oh DAMN it all...
Diane opened a channel to Operations. "McCarthy to Ops. What is the current status on Commander O'Donnell?"
"Commander O'Donnell departed at 0500 with Commander Masters. They were escorted by Commander Desoro. No flight plan given, but they had the proper credentials to not require it."
"Thank you. McCarthy out." She closed the link and turned once again to Andrew. "So, do you wish to re-think your previous answer?"
His gaze hardened, eyes going straight to shards of obsidian. "Upon further reflection, and upon continued resentment of the implication, I amend my previous answer to say that my current best guess in view of recent developments as to Commander O'Donnell's location is in transit with Commanders Masters and Desoro. I'm still drawing blanks on who had the credentials, what the purpose of the transit is, when the decision to engage in transit was reached, where the destination of the transit is, why the transit happened when it did, and how I'm supposed to know any of those details as I am not a member of a precognitive species."
He took a breath. "And no, ma'am, that's not an effort to be insubordinate or to interfere in your duties. But I still honestly don't know any more about this than you do at the moment."
"Well, I guess I will be visiting the Commodore before I leave after all." She started to gather her things, but stopped as a thought suddenly entered her mind. "One last question, Commander. If the order is given to leave this planet, with Commodore O'Shea honor that order?"
"I presume the commodore knows her duty and will perform it, but I don't have the rank to speak for her. I can't say as I would mind hearing the answer to that myself." He rose to his feet as she continued gathering her things.
"Well I would hope she would follow her orders without question. Doing otherwise could result in...an unpleasant outcome." Diane finished re-packing everything and stood to leave. "Seventy Two hours...not a second more. I will see you then."
"Seventy-two hours with the clock starting at local mid-day today. Yes ma'am. If you'd be so kind as to follow me, I'll make sure you get to the commodore." He moved to the door, waiting for her to approach before going through.
Diane moved to follow Andrew out of the building. She had never met the Commodore before, but that really did not matter. After all, how different could she really be? All of them she had met to date were all alike.
Diane McCarthy
Federation Council Protectorate
Lt Cmdr Andrew Matheson
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Starbase 80