Can we be friends.....
Posted on Mon Apr 7th, 2014 @ 9:39am by Lieutenant Vilgi Morr & Commander Eliana Masters
New Frontier
Location: Promenade
Timeline: Current
The office was not that hard to find being just off the Promenade. What was both amazing and encouraging was civilians were already there or returning to set up shop once more. Life moved on constantly it seemed. Personal belongings case still on his shoulder Vilgi Morr tapped the chime and entered when permitted.
Masters was in the middle of trying to smile her way out of a discussion with one of the local shopkeepers who had returned to find that the previous location of his store was currently in the process of turning into an overlook into the main atrium. Of course, Ellie understood where the man's anger was coming from, but she really didn't have a say in the reconstruction process - a fact that she was trying to explain to the man. The sound of the tone was a welcome break.
"You'll have to excuse me sir, I have other business to take care of for the moment. When things get a bit more settled down, I assure you that we'll negotiate and find a place for your shop. I'm certain the licenses will carry over from before the rebuild," Masters explained. "Perhaps if you and your fellow entrepreneurs come up with a solid plan, the engineers would be willing to take some input on the design. Think of this as an opportunity."
The man gave a displeased shake of his head as he walked past Vilgi. He strode in with a amount of confidence, but not over confidence. Identifying himself as he walked "Lieutenant Commander Vilgi Morr, Logistics Chief, Corps of Engineers." He cast an eye over the woman who occupied the office. Slim but not too slim, a red collar and three solid pips indicated she was likely running the whole show for the time being, all that was needed was a female XO and that would be an all woman command element, sometimes the cards just fell right. A grin creased his face, as he extended a hand.
"Commander I understand you're running things for the time being, as well as flight ops, tough gig, I guess you and I will be working together quite a lot."
"Master Bolian, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Eliana smiled and accepted the extended hand. "Commander Eliana Masters and yes, it appears that I have the reins for now. Perhaps it is good fortune that the rest of the command staff will be along shortly, a group that I understand you are more or less familiar with, yes?"
"Yes Commander. I served with both the CO and the CoB managex to work with without to much issue. The CO in particular we've managed to develop a very effective working relationship. I know I will get a fair listening even to some of my madder ideas." Vilgi agreed, pleased that the acting boss lady was well informed which was always a good sign. He was careful not to overplay
"It's certainly good to have you aboard. Flight operations and logistics go hand in hand, so I suspect your guess will be correct," she referenced his words from earlier. "Just as soon as I can get some time, the rebuild of the hangars and drydocks will commence. The cats sure made a mess of things before they vacated."
Rolling his eyes at the reference to Kizinti. "As is there MO, but I suppose if you're good at something that's what you do." He commented with a shrug. "And they leave us to clean up the front room after they've shredded it all."
"Well, it's not such a bad thing really, is it?" Ellie smiled as she looked out the window. "As I told the other gentleman earlier, the attitude I'm taking towards this venture is a positive one. This entire station is an opportunity to bring a stabilizing influence to an area that sorely needs it. Plus, if I'm lucky, maybe they'll give a few of my ideas for the redesign a few looks."
"Oh I'm committed to the mission of the station and whatever it takes to accomplish either aims." The Bolian stated honestly, jaunt so the Commander knew where he stood. "But with regard to the redesign and projects and the like I have a few ideas of my own. Getting our heads together and seeing what will work might be a start." He offered next.
"Well Mister Morr, I would love to hear any ideas you might have." Masters grinned. Self motivation was her favorite trait.
Vilgi returned the grin before starting off with something he wanted to get off the ground quickly. "Most of my ideas have to do with the Ceburus Transport System. How familiar are you with that system?"
"I've had fair share of seat time in the Polaris and Titan class transports. As far as the logistics of the whole thing go, they seem to make sense on the operations side of things," Eliana replied. "But my technical knowledge is admittedly limited, though as a pilot, I have to tell you, they all fly like bricks. I know it's because of the nature of the job, but it's always nice to have a few extra meters to maneuver about in one of those things, especially when you've got fifteen mods behind a Titan."
Vilgi smiled, he had come to appreciate having an 'in cockpit' perspective was a huge advantage. Her comments about the maneuverability of the craft, brought back memory's of his first deployment of that system. Near whiteout conditions, hostile space, enemies on all sides, interesting times to say the least. But back to the present.
"I apologize for rambling, it's a curse of all pilots. All we can talk about with people we've just met is flying," Masters grinned. "I would assume from your experience and placement on this station that we're about to incorporate the Cerberus into the plan moving forward?"
Vilgi chuckled at this. "I'm used to it, I had a CAG on the Merlin don't forget we managed to make things work on duty without to much incident." He commented before turning his attention to setup matters. "That's the plan. It's gonna be our main avenue of supporting operations in the region. I had a chance to go over the craft numbers were going to be assigned and the space available. I'd like to set aside sixty four bays to be converted and set aside for the Cerberus system."
"Okay good, I'll make sure my pilots are ready for it," Masters nodded. "We're going to be very busy helping the rebuilding efforts for the next few months. Hopefully we can make a difference."
"Stick Jockey's and Spanner Monkeys working side by side. Should be interesting." Vilgi commented pulling a wry grin. "Still we made it work of the Merlin, no reason why that can't happen here. You know about the two Aere-Class we're getting for support, they're the modular version from 2376(I'll double check this date) and are going to be converted to carry the Cerberus Mods as well. Add to that the Curry-Class which boss lady is bring in, again it'll be a case of strip out and modify."
"I must admit, with half my background in operations, I'm more looking towards getting some semblance of a respectable product out there to the community. It will benefit both Starfleet and the local transient population if the services normally provided by a base of this size resume as soon as possible." Masters explained in her usual expressive manner.
"That being said," she continued, "most of the damage I've seen has been done with purpose, not the random destruction from the Kzinti that I was led to believe. I think we did this to the base because we knew we were going to lose it."
"Scorched Ground policy or a variation of it no doubt, which the higher ups are trying to hide. Typical." Vilgi added thoughtfuly after taking on board that fact. He of course had only a brief look at the damage. Not enough to make a good judgment on who and why. "From a tactical perspective anyway that makes sense. You don't gift an enemy with a fully functioning weapons platform and dock. Especially not a brutal race such as those." He added with a little animosity in his voice before shrugging. "But what's done is done. We'll get this old girl up and running to her full potential soon enough of that I'm sure."
"That much we agree on Master Bolian," Masters smiled. "Now, before I get on to other matters, was there anything specific you wanted to discuss?"
"No just checking in and going for broad strokes as to how we were going forward." Vilgi admitted with a grin. "Once I've got my bearing I'll probably have a specific list as long as my arm."
"Good, I appreciate attention to detail. I hope to borrow as much of the engineering staff as I can, but tomorrow, clean up around the main shuttlebays will commence. We must present ourselves with some semblance of professionalism as soon as possible," Masters explained. "The job description made it very evident that Starfleet isn't the only customer that flight operations will be taking care of. The more the merrier. It brings a challenge, which I can appreciate."
"I have to agree with you on that one. I'll divert as many logistics personnel as well." Vilgi agreed before qualifying. "Most of the logisics staff with be working in the bays themselves, on the ground so to speak, so the better idea they have of how the bays work the smother things will run. If you send me the bay numbers in question I can start assigning personnel accordingly."
"Understood, I'll get to that as soon as someone can relieve me from being ranking officer," Masters nodded. "Speaking of which, if there is nothing more, I must continue with my work."
"Of course Commander, I appreciate you taking the time to see me." Vilgi agreed as he rose from his chair. "See you around the bays."
Commander Eliana Masters
Second Officer
Director of Flight Operations
Lieutenant Commander Vilgi Morr
Chief of Logistics and Materials