Specifications - USS Bettina

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The USS Bettina is one of the two Aerie Class Medium Transports assigned to New Frontier Station. It has been modified to work with the Cerberus Logistics System.


Class Aerie
Role Medium Duty Transport
Duration 90
Time Between Refits 10
Time Between Resupply 1


Length 96 Meters
Width 42 Meters
Height 30 Meters
Decks 5


Officers 2
Enlisted Crew 6


Cruise Speed Warp 6.5
Maximum Speed Warp 7.7
Emergency Speed Warp 8.0 (for 6 hours)

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields Light shielding system
Auto-modulating shields
Metaphasic shielding
Weapon Systems Type V Array: 6

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttlebays 1
Shuttles Type 11-A: 1
Transports Polaris Transport: 1
Workpods Sphinx Workpod: 1