Specifications - Starbase 80

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Although the Spacedock series of stations proved highly successful, by the 2330's Starfleet faced a problem with its latest ships. The trend had been for ever larger designs, and all projections were that this trend would continue for the foreseeable future. The Spacedock stations needed considerable re-working of their main docking area in order to accommodate these ships, a re-working which would reduce the efficiency of the stations handling arrangements and cause serious problems to Starfleet's maintenance schedules during the work. It was decided to build a small number of new, much larger facilities which would be easily capable of handling significant numbers of the largest starships.

The sheer size of these monsters was far beyond anything previously envisaged, a factor which weighed heavily on the minds of the design team. The original proposals called for an all-new station configuration, but the detailed design work for this would have taken at least fifteen years to complete. In order to cut this figure down as far as possible it was decided to follow the engineering of the successful Spacedock series. Construction of Starbase 74, the first of the new facilities, begun in 2342. Despite many technical problems the project kept to its projected build time of sixteen years and the starbase came on-line in 2358. Since this time several further facilities have been completed and two more are underway; Starfleet looks likely to petition for more of these facilities as the need for more and more starships becomes more pressing.

Note: At Starbase 80, in addition to the main base, there are 12 orbital dry docks situated in orbit with the starbase, and facilities planet-side.


Class Stardock Class
Role Rapid Response
Duration 200
Time Between Resupply 20


Diameter 8910 Meters
Main Height 13460 Meters
Overall Height 10930 Meters
Decks 2500


Officers 21820
Enlisted Crew 83530
Corps of Engineers 11580
Marines 12296
Civilians 100000

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields Auto-Modulating Shields
High Capacity Shielding System
Metaphasic Shielding
Weapon Systems Type XII Array: 1240
Armament Pulse-Fire Torpedo Launcher: 104

Photon Torpedoes: 14050
Quantum Torpedoes: 11220
Polaron Torpedo: 1330
Tri-Cobalt Devices: 1000
External Defensive Systems Guardian Class Defense Platform: 2
Point Defense Batteries: 240

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttlebays 220
Cerberus Bays 90
Garrison Vessels Defiant Class: 2
Aerie Class Transport: 2
Macpherson Class Heavy Transport: 1
Nimbus Class: 1
Privateer Class Starfleet Vessel: 1
Fighters Raptor Space Superiority Fighter: 210
Razor Interceptor: 320
Broadsword Class Multi-Roll Fighter: 160
Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter: 320
Scimitar Ground Support Fighter/Bomber: 210

Shuttles Hunley Shuttle: 40
Type 11 Shuttle: 120
Type 11-A Shuttle: 360
Type 15 Shuttlepod: 180
Type 6 Shuttle: 200
Type 7 Shuttle: 200
Type 8 Shuttle: 200
Type 9 Shuttle: 380
Type 9A Cargo Shuttle: 200
Type 14 Shuttle: 150

Runabouts Volga Runabout: 280
Danube Runabout: 260
Arrow Class Runabout: 220
Delta Flyer Runabout: 40
Talon Scout: 220
Edison Class: 380
Captain`s Yacht - Sovereign Class: 26

Transports Polaris Transport: 360
Titan Transport: 240
Northstar Transport: 180
Workpods Brunel Workpod: 920
Sphinx Workpod: 550
Inspection Pods: 860
Ground Vehicles Kastra: 4100
Morningstar PEV: 420
Nabus Industries CM-1A Mobile Command Post: 930
Cannison APAT-2L Armored Personnel Assault Transport: 4230
Cannison TRM-1 Anti Air Vehicle: 2540
Altair Mk II Multiple Launch Projectile System (MLPS): 2120
Minotaur Heavy Tank: 3170
Taurus Heavy Mobile Artillery: 2080
Wesson (Light High Mobility Tactical Vehicle) Class: 8640
Winchester (Medium Tactical Vehicle) Class: 7460
Hercules (Heavy Logistics Vehicle System) Class: 6320
Shell (Multi-Roll Ground Vehicle) Class: 8380
Shell-Colt Variant (Heavy Tactical Vehicle) Class: 4820
Air to Ground Weaponry 6000 ASM-24C HARM-Type missiles
8000 GBU-33SM - Bunker Busters
12000 MOU-335 Cluster Bombs:

A: Anti-Armor/Vehicle Bomblets
B: Anti-Personnel Bomblets (Fragmentation)
C: Ultrasonic Stun Bomblets
D: Gas Stun Bomblets
E: Mines
F: Sensor Enhancement Modules
G: Timed HE Bomblets
NPC Craft Aboard Station Corumix Transport

12 Hoppers, 2 based at Starbase 80
14 Firefly Transports (8 are Cerberus Converted)
10 Type 4 Shuttles
22 Type 9A Cargo Shuttles
4 Conestoga Type Transports
3 Sydney Class Passenger Transports

Brelles Transport Services

6 Conestoga Type Transports http://www.starshipmodeler.com/tech/conestoga3.jpg
8 Sydney Class Transports
2 Sydney Class Executive Shuttles
3 Istanbul Class Transports
4 Yorkshire Class Transports
12 Cerberus Conversion Firefly Transports
18 Type 4 Shuttles (6 located at Starbase 80)
24 Type 9A Cargo Shuttles (4 located at Starbase 80)
16 Type 14 Shuttles

Armory Weapons

Handheld Weapons 1500000 Type-I Phasers
1500000 Type-II Phaser pistols
850000 Type-III Phaser rifles
850000 Type-IIIc Compression Phaser rifles
445600 Marine Carbine Phaser Mk1s
445600 Marine Phaser Rifle Mk17s
445600 TR-110 Ballistic Hand Gun
445600 TR-119-"Shotgun"
445600 TR-116a Ballistic Rifles with APF (antipersonnel Flechette), HE (High Explosive), Incendiary, and HEAP (High Explosive Armor Piercing) Rounds
445600 Ballistic Assault Weapons
445600 Isomagnetic Disintegrators
445600 Squad Assault Weapon Phasers
Missile/Grenade Launchers 445600 Mark 24 Personal Single Shot Grenade Launcher
445600 Mark 25 Personal Revolving Grenade Launchers
480000 Mk23 Rifle Mounted Grenade Launchers
480000 M16A ADAR Rocket Launchers
525600 Mark 16 Disposable Missile Launchers (262800 Anti-Air, 262800-Anti Armor)
445600 Mark 17 Multi-role Missile Launchers

The following Missiles are available: 4300000 Anti-Air, 4300000 Anti-Armor, 2400000 Anti-Sensor

The following Grenades are available: 3600000 Fragmentation, 3000000 High explosive/armor piercing, 6000000 Flechette, 6000000 Flashbang 4800000 Concussion, 4000000 Illumination, 4000000 Smoke, 4000000 Incendiary, 6000000 Sonic Stun, 600000 EMP
Mortars 445600 FP-60 60mm Light Infantry Mortars with Shrapnel, Time Delay Shrapnel, ILUM, Smoke, Incendiary, High Explosive, and Time Delay High Explosive Shells (4803600 each)

445600 FP-81 81mm Medium Mortars with Shrapnel, Time Delay Shrapnel, ILUM, Smoke, Incendiary, High Explosive, and Time Delay High Explosive Shells (4803600 each)

479400 FP-120 120mm Medium Mortars with Shrapnel, Time Delay Shrapnel, ILUM, Smoke, Incendiary, High Explosive, and Time Delay High Explosive Shells (4207260 each)
Explosives/Mines/Breech Charges The following Explosive Devices are available: 2600000 M30 0.25lb Light Demolitions Charges, 6000' 0.75" Breacher Strip, 1220000 Small Frame Door Breaching Charge Rail System, 1080000 Rapid Wall Breaching Kits (RWBK), 2800000 2.5lb Demolition Blocks, 750000 each 5lb/8lb/13lb/18lb Satchel Charges and Charge Carriers

The following Mines are available: 2800000 M-98 (Mine type 98) Anti-Personnel Mine, 2400000 HM-131 (Heavy Mine type 131) Anti-Personnel Mine, 2400000 AVM-8 (Anti-vehicular Mine type 8)
Other Armory Items Vehicle-Mount Weapons:
154000 Type IV Phaser Cannons
154000 Type V Phaser Cannons
154000 TR-133 Cannons
154000 MKX-21 Dual Tube Missile Launcher
154000 GR-15C Quad Tube Grenade Launcher
154000 STM-80P Dual Tube 60mm Mortar Launcher

154000 Adaptable Drone Combat Support Systems with the following systems: 592000 Reaver (Anti-armor) Modules, 592000 Mouse (Scout) Modules, 592000 Basilisk (Fire Support) Modules, and 592000 Hellhound (Sentry) Modules)