
  • 1 Mission Posts

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Sun Jan 4th, 2015 @ 1:06am

Civilian (Clearance) Erma-Jo Gleasin

Name Erma-Jo Gleasin

Position Infiltration Specialist

Rank Civilian (Clearance)


Permission Level Civilian

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Taranokian
Age 29

Physical Appearance


Personality & Traits

General Overview Erma-Jo is a sensible woman who takes sensible precautions. She doesn't like being toyed with, and is the type to go out of her way to help others.

Unless you push her buttons the wrong way, Erma-Jo is generally a kind hearted, and approachable person
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- Trained in the use of Projectile weapons
- Kind hearted person
- Goes out of her way to help others

- Rudimentary unarmed combat skills
- Rudimentary bladed weapon skills
- Naive to many Federation policies outside Intel
Ambitions Erma-Jo just wants to live her life, and do the things that come natural to her.

Personal History Born and raised on Taranok IV, Erma-Jo had the quiet life growing up. Like normal Taranokian children, she went to school, learned about life, and enjoyed her childhood.

At age 18, the desire to learn self defense was prominent, and so she decided to learn about weapons. She hired a personal instructor, and underwent several months of fire arms practice on a shooting range, after which she was told that she had been one of the better students they'd had.

At around age 24, she was caught snooping around a building that she had been scoping out for several days. Not once had she seen anyone enter, or leave the building. When she tried to hack into the only door she could see, she was grabbed by unfamiliar faces, and pulled into the building at the point of a weapon.

After several hours of interrogation, she was offered a job working as an infiltration specialist for these strangers from a group known as Starfleet Intelligence. After accepting the job, she was given more advanced firearms training, infiltration training, and advanced infiltration training.