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Tue Aug 5th, 2014 @ 4:38pm

Lieutenant Fargan Davek

Name Fargan Danoel Davek

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant


Permission Level Department Head

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 3/4 Cardassian, 1/4 Bajoran
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 168
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Fargan is considered an attractive Cardassian male, owing to a few of his unique features (the result of partial Bajoran heritage), firm bearing, and a solid medium build.

His hair is jet black, though the occasional strain of dark brown is not uncommon around the time he tends to molt. Like most Cardassian male, he slicks it back and rarely allows it to become even slightly untamed. Though he occasionally grows facial hair above the ridges along the bottom of his face, he always shaves it away.

Where this hair occasionally tends to grow in, he also has fine wrinkles that also appear across his cheek and around the "spoon" ridge on his forehead, results of a harsh upbringing and early career. His jawline is also noticeably more rounded than that of a typical Cardassian and he has high cheekbones, giving his face the sharp and reptilian appearance, yet softer and more youthful.

Also contributing to his softer appearance is his skin tone. Though the gray color is distinct, it is a bit different than that of a full Cardassian, being tempered with the vibrant white of a Caucasian humanoid.

He also has slight nose ridges.


Spouse NONE
Children NONE
Father Asklat D. Davek
Mother Natima Davek
Brother(s) NONE
Sister(s) NONE
Other Family Paternal=
-Grandfather: Bendras Davek- retired gul
-Grandmother: Anjohl Bennya (Bajoran)- housewife
--Step-Grandfather: Anjohl Morio- farmer
--2 aunts & 1 uncle

-Grandfather: Almar Tain- retired Legate, member of the Detapa Council
-Grandmother: Akaria Tain- retired professor of endocrinology, housewife
-1 aunt & 1 uncle

Personality & Traits

General Overview Fargan is an enigma of a man. he is often racked by the assumption that it is his existence that has brought shame to his family and complicated the life of his father, despite assertions of the opposite. He is able to switch dramatically between the poles of his emotions: kind and forgiving one moment, yet cruel and surprising the next. Despite perceptions of arrogance, he can be quite kind and devoted to those closest to him, though he has a tendency to manipulate for his own gain. He also express a distinct dissatisfaction with the state of his personal life, seeking some semblance of a family to give some pride to his family.
Strengths & Weaknesses Fargan is a man of significant skill and intelligence which accompany many strengths, such as charm, flexibility, and an awesome talent in interrogation. His photographic memory allows him to retain large amounts of information which he is often able to process and reconfigure in his head, making quick conclusions. He is also able to make quick and decisive decisions.

Among his weakness are his tendency to verbally communicate in abstract references. His careful and manipulative nature and ability to weave careful webs scares many off, as does his tendency to enjoy resorting to Cardassian stereotypes to observe the reactions of others. Disorganization can also tend to scatter his mind a bit.
Ambitions Fargan's primary ambition is to retire after a long and successful career to a life in politics and many grandchildren. While he does not wish to command his own vessel, he does seek to command his own divisions one day, perhaps fleet wide.
Hobbies & Interests Davek is keenly interested in botany, the result of his grandmother's fascination with the subject. He also loves painting and drawing, a result of his father's early interests. In his spare time, he also devotes time to pursuing enemies of his family, though he never actively does so. A lover of fine things, he enjoys exploring what he can do with his limited wealth, which he also spends his time occasionally investing in interesting and advantageous ventures.

Personal History For the first five years of his life, Fargan resided on Terok Nor with his parents. From his earliest years, his mother instilled in him traditional Cardassian values, including the innate superiority and infallibility of the Cardassian Union and its government, but she carefully avoided the subject of the Cardassian Occupation. His father, however, instilled in his son many of the opposite ideals. He encouraged his son's natural rowdy behavior and tendency to question every command, even at a young age. The only memory that still resonates with Fargan from these years is a walk with his father through the lower decks of the station, at which time they accidentally observed an execution of supposed Bajoran terrorists. The two were immediately removed from the scene, but his mother's justification of the coldness resonated with him throughout his life.

A few months late, his parents sent him Cardassia Prime to live with his paternal grandparents and experience a traditional Cardassian upbringing. He adjusted to the intense mental training rather quickly and fell in love with his grandparents, whole-heartedly absorbing their lessons of manipulation and familial loyalty. He quickly showed a talent for memorization and research and was the consistent bane of his young enemies, not afraid to be both openly and passive aggressive in subversive ways, a talent his grandmother encourage and his grandfather ignored. It was in his years with his grandmother, a former scientist, that he developed both his love of botany and information, for he observed her in a daily dance on information gathering and manipulation to further he husband's career. She gave him the mantra by which he lives his life: " everything. It is how we protect our family, ourselves, and the Empire. Gather it, hoard it and they will cower before us." His grandparents allowed him a small wompat, which he cherished until he left Cardassian Prime.

When Fargan was 7 years old, as the Occupation of Bajor began to conclude, Asklat Davek was removed from his position amidst suspicion of assisting Bajoran dissidents. If not for his still influential father and powerful father-in-law, his career might have ended there, but he was instead relegated to clerical duties in the foreign affairs offices, where he became known for his insightful reports. Nonetheless, Fargan suffered as a result of this embarrassment, often being harassed by children aware of his father's situation. This continued until he was 10, when his father was assigned to help negotiate the Bajoran-Cardassian Treaty, a task at which he flourished and became a valuable asset, trusted by many Bajoran clerics and civilians for his pushes for mercy towards them. This helped to advance his career and also exposed Fargan to the intricate processes of inter-species relations as he often sat in on briefings during which his father would find ways to hide and justify Cardassian atrocities. Morally racked by this, Asklat taught his son the insignificance of his own emotions and beliefs in comparison to the well-being of the state, even though he was still suspected of traitorous activity.

Five years later, his father was reassigned to the Cardassian embassy in Paris, where the family eventually relocated. Fargan had considerable trouble adapting to the human lifestyle and never fully integrated, sharing his mother's view that most were weak and disloyal, though he did learn to admire their acceptance of non-advantageous talents and began to share his father's love of their acceptance and technological superiority. He retained many of his Cardassian traits, but was forever changed by his experience and it became clear, after conversation with his paternal grandparents regarding his father's reputation, that it would not be advantageous for the family to have him in the Cardassian military as it would be to difficult for him to advance past his father's sympathies. As such, he worked at the embassy until he was 19 when his father made the controversial decision to enter him in Starfleet Academy, in hopes that his son would "disappear" from the Cardassian Union's radar and that the boy would be out of reach should he ever fall from grace.

His first year in the Academy could be described as treacherous at best. Fargan had little to no interest in being associated with many of his peers as he fundamentally resented being there in the first place, but he excelled in his intelligence studies. An early clash with a Bajoran classmate convinced the professors to pay closer attention to his interactions. A Klingon professor, Captain Brokis, helped Fargan grow and develop and reach a key milestone in his development: the realization that his father and mother, not him, represented their race. He could be an individual and flourish however that was to be. In the next few years, he developed into quite a good artist displaying his artwork around the Academy on various occasions and winning several awards as a wrestler, many of the bulkier cadets unable to compete with his Cardassian physiology and imposing height. He made several close friends that became like siblings to him, which explains his devotion to them. The first among them was a humorous Bolian helmsman who reminded Fargan of a young Bajoran comfort woman his father befriended when he was young and whom remained in contact with the family throughout their lives.

Ensign Davek's first assignment was aboard the USS Glenn, an Excalibur class vessel aboard which he was crucial in the capture of various individuals involved in smuggling across the Romulan border. He rose to Chief Analyst aboard the Glenn and earned many distinctions, including a promotion. After a year, he was transferred to the USS Bastille, a Galaxy-class vessel where he resumed his position as Chief Analyst and further distinguished himself, though he often rubbed shoulders with his colleagues for his "creative" methods, especially on a mission on which his work helped locate missing supplies for a Federation colony.

After two years aboard the Bastille, he was transferred to classified operations surrounding the fractured Romulan Star Empire. These operations left him traumatized, though he is mostly recovered now. After a year with this division, he served aboard the USS Seattle as Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer and Chief Analyst, where his primary duty was the investigation of illegal activity across the tri-border area.
Service Record 2380-2384: Starfleet Academy- Cadet

2384-2385: USS Glenn- Ensign/Lt. (J.G.)- Chief Analyst/Intelligence officer

2385-2387: USS Bastille- Lt. (J.G.)- Chief Analyst/Intelligence Officer

2387-2388: CLASSIFIED

2388-2391: USS Seattle- Lt.-Asst. Chief Intel. Officer/Chief Analyst