Welcome to Nova 2.4.3!
Posted on Sun Aug 16th, 2015 @ 2:02am by Captain Jey Cleh
Welcome to Nova 2.4.3!
This site has been updated to the latest version of Nova! This release fixes several outstanding bugs within the system.
Nova Core:
Created new 'Mail' wrapper class for better handling than CodeIgniter's built in email class.Updated controllers with the new 'Mail' class calls.Removed all 'reply-to' calls, since more and more spam filters are checking these headers as well as the 'from' header.Added a notice to the bottom of all emails that it's an automated email, and recipients shouldn't reply.Updated manifest Javascript to remove hard coded calls to the table structure, allowing for easier layout changes.Updated error language file with a new error message.Added indicator when viewing a post, log, or news items if it's a saved or pending item.
Bug fixes:
When no manifest metadata is selected, a blank space is displayed.Fixed an issue that allowed users to view pending, and saved mission posts, personal logs, and news items from their respective view pages.Fixed an error caused by a missing method that was removed from the latest version of CodeIgniter 2.Fixed errors when sending to multiple recipients.Added a permissions workaround that allows players to view non-activated mission posts, personal logs, and news posts as long as they have the proper permissions.
Category: Website Update