Current News and Updates
Posted on Tue Mar 24th, 2015 @ 4:44pm by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea
Howdy! There is a lot going on here, so I will try to hit some of the more important highlights. Things are going to be fairly busy and complex over the next coming months. We are going to start updating the Forum a LOT more now and using it as it should have been being used, so keep an eye out there every other day or so for updates.
[1] Sim Rating: As nobody has approached me to let me know that they are under 18, we are going on the assumption that everybody is and raising the sim rating to 18+. Guidelines will follow soon.
[2] Awards: Sim awards will start again effective immediately. A comprehensive list of the main ones that we shall be using for now will be posted in the forum soon. One that I want to see your input on now is for the Players Choice award. Send me the name of the PRIMARY characters name that you feel should receive this please.
[3] Email Issues: There have been issues with emails not being received when posts are saved here. I am working as of today with our server owner to try to solve this issue. It does not happen with any other site on this server that I run or host, so it appears to be a NOVA issue with our server. But due to this, please check daily for updates to any JP you are working on.
[4] Activity: With the exception of two people who have express permission for reason known to the command team for slower participation (and they are not in the main story), participation has to be kept to a level that allows for the story to flow. Most of you are doing fine with this. But for those not, I will most likely be moving you to an assistant role vs department had, as we just need the positions active in this mission arc.
[5] Position sphere of influence: Many of you will be given a much larger span of control beyond your department soon. With the new government being formed on Stratkas, and O'Shea taking over the new alliances defense force, you will inherit system-wide resources from all over the Frontier. More to come on this, but essentially you will get lots of new toys.
You guys are doing GREAT!!!!! More info to come are gonna love where this is headed. :-)
Category: General News