Private Company: Brelles Transport Services
Posted on Wed May 7th, 2014 @ 12:23pm by Commodore Kathleen O'Shea
This company has a hanger and offices on the Station. They deal with passenger and cargo shipments, plus offer executive services. Currently they have 7 different contract with Starfleet and the Federation, so they have a bit fresher inventory. Their hanger bay will hold 12 ships at a time, not counting shuttles and such.
Note: This is their Company Holdings...all of these will not be at Starbase 80.
6 Conestoga Type Transports
8 Sydney Class Transports
2 Sydney Class Executive Shuttles
3 Istanbul Class Transports
4 Yorkshire Class Transports
12 Cerberus Conversion Firefly Transports
18 Type 4 Shuttles (6 located at Starbase 80)
24 Type 9A Cargo Shuttles (4 located at Starbase 80)
Category: General News